26 May 2017

Learning Technology Monthly Update #9

Year 1 have been exploring new technologies for the last couple of weeks including Augmented Reality and Robots. Over the last few weeks of the school year we will be focused on creative tools for learning including making short videos and composing music.

In Year 2, students have been investigating different ways of communicating with technology including email and texting. We will be doing some things around online safety, privacy and digital citizenship over the coming weeks.

Year 3 have been looking into different types of design with technology. They have investigated 2D visual design, digital painting, 3D CAD design and sound and audio design. We will be finishing off the year with a look at Web design using Google Sites

Year 4 are just starting a unit around Digital Media which has lots of opportunities for the use of learning technology. During this unit, students will be looking at social networks and becoming part of a ‘school safe’ network to connect students around their learning. Students will also be using cospaces.io to create Virtual Reality Environments to share their learning.

In Year 5, students have just finished their 3D printed car design and racing project. The video of the races is embedded at the top of this post. Super learning from all students in Year 5. To take us to the end of the school year, the students will be starting a Game Design project involving Makey Makeys and Scratch.

Our Year 6 students showed some fantastic skills in their use of technology during the exhibition. After all their hard work we will be doing a fun robotics project to end the year. Students will be modifying one of our mBot robots to turn it into a balloon popping ‘Battle Bot’ with 3D printed parts, moving pieces attached to servos and a self-programmed controller.