22 Jun 2018

Mandarin Monthly Update #10

Y1 – Students have been inquiring into customs and traditions of cultural events such as the Dragon Boat festival. They have been making cards, listening to stories and singing songs so that they have a deeper understanding of how this festival is celebrated around the world.

Y2 – Students in Year Two discussed why it is important for them to learn Mandarin. They also shared positive experiences and strategies to improve in reading and writing.

Y3 – Students in Year Three have continued with the topic of school and stationery.

Y4 – Students in Year Four have had lots of fun role playing in Mandarin using descriptive words and phrases. They are becoming more confident at using 把 in sentences.

Y5 – Students in Year Five have had opportunities to revise their dictionary skills using Chinese radicals during Mandarin lessons.

Y6 – Students in Year Six have been learning phrases and sentences that are commonly used in farewell cards and graduation cards. They have been given opportunities to write farewell cards to each other in Mandarin.

Y1 – Students have been inquiring into customs and traditions of cultural events such as the Dragon Boat festival. They have been making cards, listening to stories and singing songs so that they have a deeper understanding of how this festival is celebrated around the world.

Y2-we finished the topic Transportation and meanwhile had lots of activities to celebrate Dragon Boat Festival and Father’s Day.

Y3- We finished the last topic Clothing and meanwhile had lots of activities to celebrate Dragon Boat Festival and Father’s Day.

Y4- We have been learning School Objects.

Y5- We have been doing exercise about 组词,同义词和反义词。

Y6- Students in Year Six have started the standalone unit “Beijing Opera” . The children made beautiful masks. 

Y1 –  Students have been inquiring into customs and traditions of cultural events such as the Dragon Boat festival. They have been making cards, listening to stories and singing songs so that they have a deeper understanding of how this festival is celebrated around the world.

Y2- We have been learning about expressions related to transport :校车,地铁 etc。Students have been learning to sing a song of transport. We have also learned about Dragon Boat Festival and a song for Father’s Day 父亲节。

Y3-  We have been learning about 象形字。 Students have tried to create some art work with 象形字. We have also learned the text:“白云娃娃”。We have been focusing on the reading skill of “visualising”: students read and draw to show their comprehension.

Y4-  We have finished the unit of  唐诗:绝句,山行,悯农,春晓 in 中文4。Students are getting very familiar with all the poems. We also had a 唐诗知识竞赛 in class。

Y5-  We have been learning about “fun, play-related expressions” and “open/close(开/关)” . They have also been involved in some role plays in Mandarin involving the expressions they have learned.

Y6-  Students have been working hard to finish their projects and presenting them orally in Mandarin.


Taking Care of Books during the summer holiday

Students in the following classes should keep their textbooks and Mandarin folders at home during the summer holiday and bring them to Mandarin lessons next year.

Ms Lynn’s classes (2017-2018)

Year Three – 欢乐伙伴 1A

Year Four – 小学华文 2A

Year Five – 中文 第5册

Ms Yu’s class (2017-2018)

Year 3  CME 1

Year 4 CME 2

Year 5 小学华文3


The replacement costs for books lost are as follows:

  • Chinese Made Easy textbook $250 each
  • Chinese Made Easy activity book $150 each
  • 小学华文 $100 each
  • 中文 $100 each
  • Other Chinese books $ 75 each
  • Mandarin folders $25 each