Weekly Update – Year 1 – Wk 2

Tuesday 1st September – Cheese and Wine Welcome Party for new parents, 5:00pm.

Tuesday 1st September – Meet the Teacher evening, 6:30pm introduction in the hall for new BHS parents (those without older siblings at BHS) 6:45pm in the classrooms.

Thursday 3rd September  Public Holiday, school closed.

Friday 4th September  All Year 1 students attend full school day.

Thank you so much for helping the children to organise their school items, bringing in all the right items on the right days, labelling everything (even socks and shoes) and wearing the correct uniform on the right day! It can be very worrying for the children if something is not quite right and all these things really help them to have a happy day and is helpful to us too!

We would like to reinforce the message of healthy eating. It is so important to teach the children good habits at this age by encouraging a nutritious lunch. Please be especially careful to make sure that your child’s snack and lunch includes some fruit and/or vegetables as well as saving treats such as biscuits, cakes and crisps for when they are with you at home. Also, please remember that the lunch should not be too big as we expect them to finish what you give them. Thank you so much for all your help with this.

The children have had another fantastic week! Our Year Ones are now starting to feel very settled into their new school routines and familiar with their new teachers and friends. The children have now all had lessons with all the specialist teachers they will have this year and so should be able to tell you a little about Miss Barr, Mr Gibson, Ms Jeves, Mr Teahan, Mr Lowe and their two Mandarin teachers. Our first lunch yesterday was a great success with many children bringing in healthy lunches and independently tidying away. We hope all our children have a good rest this weekend and come to school refreshed and ready to learn and make friends next Monday.


Congratulations to our Golden Book children this week:

1F – Harnoor Deol

1G – Emma Ho

1H – Elton Ma

SLT Award – Gabriel Chan (1G)


People have characteristics, abilities and interests that form who they are. 

We all enjoyed a visit from two sets of twins from Year Four this week who were able to tell us a little about what makes them the same and what makes them different. The children asked them lots of questions and were able to make similarities and differences between them. Thank you so much to Justin and Sean and Christy and Celine.

Next week we look forward to sharing a bag of items that the we, the teachers, think shows a lot about us as individuals. We hope that sharing these items will help our students to find out a little about our characteristics, abilities and interests. Please ask the children questions about what we brought to school and what they found out about us. Hopefully they will be able to tell you lots of new information about their new teachers!




Next week the teachers will be finding out about the number sense of each child. We will especially be looking at counting forwards and backwards as well as being able to count objects and reading numbers.


The children have been introduced to, playing with and exploring different maths equipment, such as numicon this week. We will continue to play with some of the equipment we use on a regular basis next week as well as number puzzles and singing songs with numbers next week.

The children have been sharing all they know about reading and writing sounds, words and sometimes sentences with their teacher this week. We will be making a start at using the phonemes from our first Get Reading Right unit this week. The first group of phonemes are: 

s     m     c     t     g     p     a     o


We will be blending these eight sounds together to make words and also segmenting words into sounds. This will help the children especially with their reading and spelling skills.

The children will also start to take reading books home this week. We will send books home with a magenta (dark pink) sticker at first. As your child’s teacher completes their assessment or through the year as your child’s reading progresses this colour of the sticker may change. Whatever the book that is brought home, the homework you do each night will be the same. Please practise this routine every night, read, retell and answer questions. We will go into more details on this on Tuesday evening. 

Reading books will start to go out next week. All the books we send home to read have a coloured sticker on them. To start off with we will be giving all the children magenta (dark pink) books to start off with and as we find out more about their reading skills and as they improve we will be changing the colour band accordingly. 

It is so important to start good reading habits early. We will go into more detail at the Meet the Teacher Meeting this week. We advise the routine is “read, retell and answer questions” everyday.

Thank you for a great first week back! We are looking forward to seeing you at the Wine & Cheese Party and the Meet The Teacher event later in the evening. In the meantime, label those items!