31 May 2018

Year 1 Update – Wk 32

Monday 18th June – Public holiday
Tuesday 19th June – Bake sale – children are welcome to bring $20 into school to buy a tasty treat
Tuesday 19th June – Parent helper tea at 2pm
Monday 25th June – class swap day – children will get to meet their new year 2 teacher
Monday 25th June – End of year reports go live on the Beacon
Friday 29th June – School finishes at 12pm
Happy Summer holidays to everyone!

Bake Sale  Many thanks to all the Parents of year one children who sent along cup cakes, cookies and biscuits for the year one bake sale.  We have decided that for for future bake sales in year one we would like children to bring a maximum of $20.  We feel that this is enough money to buy one larger cake or two smaller cookies.  We will also be reminding children to take home any change that they receive and not to pass this on to friends.  At home please can you remind the children to bring home any change and also not to give their money away to friends.

Dance off  On Wednesday these brave children performed their dance infront of a large group of spectators in the school hall.  They all performed really well.  We all look forward to finding out who will go through to the next round and perform in front of the school.
                            Here are some photos from this weeks U.O.I rotations.  This week students found out more about the weather in Hong Kong, used Big Universe to find out information, made a model to help with their understanding of the pattern of day and night and used text to find out facts to support new learning of knowledge.
 Central Idea:
The changes on Earth affect living things

 Lines of inquiry

The Earth changes (form)

How the Earth’s changes affect our lives  (change)

How the Earth’s changes other living things (change)

Next week during our Unit of inquiry we will focus on the children’s questions and misconceptions about day and night, season and weather.  The children will use books, practical experiences, Big Universe and online resources to find out information.  Children will have the opportunity to reflect upon their new understandings so you may hear them say ‘now I know’!

Next week children will have the opportunity to use pastels or oil paints to create night scenes.  We will look at the skills of swirling, dotting and line making.

If your child shares any new understandings or any questions with you that are connected to our unit please send us an email.  Your child may ask you about the time difference or seasons in two different countries.  They may tell you what they have learnt about the weather in different parts of the world an how this affects choices that people make.  

Names on lunch and snack boxes  As we are coming to the end of the school year we have noticed that many children are losing their snack and lunch boxes.  Many of these boxes are not clearly named so it can be difficult for them to be found.  We do regularly remind children to check the lost property for any belongings that they may have lost or misplaced.
Learning centre  Each Monday all year one classes visit the learning centre.  We have noticed that many children are forgetting to bring their learning centre books to school so that they can exchange them for new books.  Books borrowed from the learning centre are for you to read and enjoy with your child.
Sunhats  This week has been incredibly hot and we have noticed that many children are still not bringing their BHS hats to school. Our school policy is that during this hot weather if they do not have a hat they must stay undercover. Please make sure your child brings their hat to school everyday. If you do not currently have a hat they can be ordered from the PTA uniform office.


Measurement involves comparing objects and events.

Next week we will revisit the learning that we did about mass and capacity.  Children will be estimating, comparing, ordering and measuring a variety of plastic objects as well as some stationery items from around the classroom.  Language that we will be using is heavier and lighter, more and less than, and half and full.



Please spend some time each week exploring the different activities that we have set for the children. Under the ‘play’ section, children can practise their basic facts by playing games with partners from around the world.  It is not intended that the children will do these tasks totally independently so please help your child to become familiar with the layout of Mathletics and how to go about completing the tasks.

Please support your child in learning how to log in using their user name and password rather than relying on an adult to do so for them. At school we are teaching the children to be independent with this skill.


Next week we will continue  to explore non-fiction texts which explain natural Earth changes.  We will look at the ways to set out and organise features of a non fiction text. We will be emphasising writing down facts and remembering to punctuate our ideas correctly.

Reading  Next week in reading we will continue to focus on the comprehension strategy of questioning.  Good readers ask questions before, after and during reading.  Next week as children read we will encourage them to ask questions and then find out the answers as they read or are read to. We will explore the difference between an open and a closed question and the children will reflect upon which type of question gives more information.


Big Universe please encourage your child to practise logging on to Big Universe without any help.  There are many useful books that your child can read with you and also this is a great resource that your children can use in the holidays.

 Phonemes: ck, ng, qu, x                                   
Camera Words:  away, see, look, very, once, we
We have been very impressed by the way in which many of the children are now reading and recognising the Year One camera words. We would now like them to begin learning to spell them correctly and use them in their own writing. Please help them at home by encouraging the correct spelling of these words when they are writing in their play.

1L – Sylas Ng

1P – Felipe Wu

1W – Jada Cheng

Mandarin – Adam Pan

Congratulations to our Golden Book certificate children!

Here is a fantastic article from backwoodsmama.com about language we can use with children when we are out and about exploring, especially now that summer is well and truly here!  At the bottom of the article there is a PDF that you may want to print out of suggested sentence stems that you may want to say to your children.