29 Sep 2017

Year 2 Update Wk 7

Monday 9th October – First day back after half term break

Friday 13th October – Deadline for Scholastic orders.

Tuesday 17th October  – Parent workshop on reading

Friday 20th October – School closed, Staff CPD

Monday 23rd & Tuesday 24th October – School photos

Mother Tongue Story Telling
Last year a group of parents told stories to our students in their mother tongue during lunchtimes.  As you can imagine this was very popular with our students and a great way to share the range of languages we speak within our community.  If you are interested please click here to add your details.  Any time you can give and to any year group is really appreciated.  For those interested we can meet to discuss logistics in more details.  If you have any questions please email me at andy.thompson@bhs.edu.hk.
Parent workshop on reading
On Tuesday 17th October at 6.30 pm the B.H.S English team will be holding a workshop for parents about reading.   This will be a chance to learn practical ways to help develop your child’s comprehension skills.  Please look out for the information on how to sign up.  We would like to encourage all parents of year one children to attend.
Scholastic International Book Club
Don’t forget to visit our unique BHS Scholastic website to browse and order from a great selection of well-known and good quality children’s books!
20% of everything you spend is ‘rewarded’ to the school to be spent on new books to supplement the students’ learning.
Order deadline: Friday 13th October

Ms Jeves has worked with all the year 2 classes to further develop the children’s understanding of what it means to be a ‘real reader’.  This involved reminding the children to use The Five Finger Rule when selecting a text to ensure that it is ‘just right’ for them. The children were also reminded about the importance of thinking and discussing what they are reading about. They enjoyed sharing stories with a partner.


The children thoroughly enjoyed buying lanterns and fruit from the PTA Mid-Autumn Festival Market. This gave them another opportunity to practise speaking Mandarin.

The children are enjoyed the various lunchtime activities that were organised by our House Captains to raise money for charity.  They especially enjoyed watching some teachers get dunked.  Please refer to the weekly newsletter for a link to the photos and videos.

Year 2 had a great time taking part in the sponsored Monster March and readathon.

Central idea: People’s choices can impact the environment

Lines of inquiry:

  1. Types of waste
  2. What happens to waste
  3. Choices people make to sustain the environment

The children will collect and sort a day’s waste from their classroom to see the amount and type of waste we generate. They will consider how they might reduce the amount of waste they produce. They will discuss what is meant by responsibility.






CENTRAL IDEA: The operations of addition and subtraction are related to each other


  • How we solve problems using addition and subtraction
  • Mental and written strategies for addition and subtraction
  • The language and symbols of addition and subtraction
  • Patterns in addition and subtraction

The children will be solving mathematical problems related to addition facts. They will be learning when it is appropriate to use counting on as a strategy to solve a calculation.

The children will be looking at using a range of connectives to extend their sentences such as because, so, if, but.
In phonics we are looking at the long e sound: ee, ea, y and e. (tree, seat, happy, me).
Please continue to read with your child at home and ask them to retell the story.
 Well done to:
2K – Dev Soneji
2D – Chloe Lau
2A- Ethan Wu
Please be reminded that in Year 2, your child will not bring home a reading book on Tuesday or Thursday they will need to read on Big Universe. Children login and select ‘My Library’ from the top of the page. At the right hand side in the ‘Filters’ section they can select the ‘Grade Level’ of books. If the children select kindergarten,grade 1 and 2 this is the most appropriate reading age for them (5-8 years).

Mandarin – All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.

Reading Eggs

We would like to inform you that we will no longer be subscribing to this online reading programme. The costs associated with this subscription are high and data shows that less than 25% of BHS students are accessing the website regularly. The money saved will be used to purchase additional books for the school.
Please remember that the children may still access Big Universe, which has a far more comprehensive selection of books available, to supplement their home reading and for research purposes.