15 Sep 2017

Year 3 Update Wk 5


  • PTA Bowling Night – Tonight! Friday 15th September
  • Tuesday 26th September – Parent Teacher Consultations
  • Thursday 28th September – Parent Teacher Consultations
  • Friday 29th September – BHS Colours Day
  • Friday 29th September – Half Term begins

 Giving Back to our Community: Colours Day – Friday 29th September

As part of our 50th celebrations we are aiming to give back to our community by holding an Action Day on the 8th December in partnership with Bethune House, Sunshine Action, Sai Kung Stray Dogs and Soap Cycling. On the 8th December each year group will have the opportunity to help make food parcels to help those who are in need in Hong Kong. More details will follow about that day as we get closer to it.  We are aiming high and the amount of money we need to raise equates to $250 per child.

To kick-start our fundraising, we are going to have 4 days of lunchtime activities where children can make a minimum donation of HK$20 to join in fun events such as karaoke. This will build up to a very special day on Friday 29th September we are calling ‘Colours Day’ where all children will take part in one of two sponsored events – either a sponsored walk/run or a sponsored readathon depending on their interest.  Each year group will have half an hour for the events. Sponsor forms can be downloaded and printed off from today’s Newsletter. We encourage all our students and their families to support this day of action to help in our drive to support those in our community who are in need. And of course, on Friday 29th all students should come dressed in their house colours.

School Book Bags
Thank you to everyone for aiming to remember to bring a book bag everyday. There are though still some children coming to school without a book bag. It is important to have a bag to look after all the books not just the library book. 


This week in Unit of Inquiry the children have been looking into the different ways people communicate. They have also continued to examine how Drama can be used as an effective way to communicate. 

In Maths we continued to focus on place value including applying place value to partition and rename four-digit numbers. They also looked into recognising, modelling, representing and ordering four-digit numbers. We made a start at looking into how to round numbers up and down to the nearest ten and hundred.

In English the children have continued to focus on the reading comprehension strategy: self-monitoring. Our text type focus is recount and we have continued to look at features and write our own recounts. 

Effective communication can be enhanced through different methods.  

Lines of Inquiry

  1. Hows signs and symbols facilitate effective communication
  2. How The Arts can be used to communicate
  3. The reasons and impact for communicating in different ways

Next week the children have two exciting events happening linked to our inquiry. On Thursday we will be spending the whole school day at the Cross Road Foundation. We will also have a visitor from the Dialogue in the Dark team who will do activities and games with the children to help them empathise with others and learn about how blind people use braille and other methods to communicate effectively. This is the last week of this unit and the children will complete their learning with a summative assessment.


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This is the last week the children will be learning about place value and shape. We will continue to look into how to round numbers up and down to the nearest ten and hundred.


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Mathletics passwords are in your child’s diary. Please make sure that an adult supports your child when working through the place value activities. Well done to all those who have made a great start and especially to those who already have achieved certificates.

This week will be the last week that the children will be learning about how to write a recount and use questioning and self-monitoring when reading.
Next week we will continue to work on our own recounts. Making sure that we include features of a recount in our writing.  Can your child tell you some of the features they must include in their recounts? Each of the children have their own focus. Can they you tell you how they are trying to improve their recounts?
Today we will be sending home the spelling home learning book. The children will need to learn to spell the words this weekend and will have buddy spelling tests three times during the week. The list that the children take home is their own personal list from the high frequency list that we expect the children to be able to spell at the end of Year Three.
During our reading lessons this week we will be focussing on how to ask and look for answers in a text. The children will look at the types of questions it is important to ask themselves before, during and after reading and also different questions.
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Reading Eggs login details and passwords can be found in your child’s diary. Year 3 will read books from Reading Eggs or Big Universe on a Monday and Friday. They will borrow home readers on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. 
 Well done to all our Golden Book winners this week!
 3A – James Borg
3F- Karsten Tsang
3S – Nadia Tsang
Learning Technology- Thomas Yuen
PE- Jonathan Wan
The children will be bringing their spelling books home today. Please make sure that they spend time at the weekend learning their five words.
(All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.)
Ms Lynn (Home learning #2) – Please practise the following pinyin – zhi chi shi r z c s ai ei ui ao ou iu at home.
 Ms Xu – 继续练习学过的拼音(声调,声母,韵母:单韵母和复韵母)。把学过的儿歌,诗歌和绕口令,还有拼音歌说/唱给爸爸,妈妈听。