21 Apr 2017

Year 5 Update Wk 27

Welcome back everybody and well done for coming in to term three feeling refreshed, energised and ready for your final term in Year 5. It was lovely to hear all about your whereabouts over the Easter holidays and learn that you are feeling good about the term ahead. 5Y have been busy rehearsing for their assembly next week and have endless amounts of songs and routines running through their head. We have also revised our Energy unit and identified next steps regarding where we would like our learning journey to head to next.


 Central Idea:

Energy can be converted and transformed to support everyday life.

Lines of Inquiry:

  • Transformation of energy (function)
  • Renewable and non-renewable energy (connection)
  • Sustainable energy use in everyday life (connection)


Before end of term, we had covered a lot of research into what electricity actually is, where it comes from and how it gets from one place to another.  We discovered that electricity isn’t endless and that there are renewable and nonrenewable sources. This had some of us thinking about sustainability and asking questions linked to green energy. Next week we will explore solar and wind power further and look into their benefits.


We will continue to look at patterns and rules within number problems and journeys using words, symbols, numbers and tables. In strand math, we are becoming more confident when using a protractor to measure angles. This will help us to classify different types of triangles as well as other 2D shapes such as quadrilaterals and parallelograms.

Year 5 will begin to apply their knowledge and understanding of explanation texts by beginning to think about their own text. This might be based on a concept of electricity. The children will start to gather research and information as the basis of their understanding and create graphic organisers to plan their own explanation text.



No Golden Book this week due to Easter Monday.



Begin to think about solar and wind power- do you have any questions or wonderings about either topic? Write them down and bring them ready to share in class next week.

Brain Pop video clips are a good place to start 🙂 Or use your Big universe account to explore the library.


Important Reminder – School Snacks and Lunches

Beacon Hill School have a number of children who are allergic to nuts.  When preparing snacks and lunches for your children please avoid using nut products like Nutella and peanut butter.  We thank you for your cooperation.

Please return any sold raffle tickets and remember more can always be requested.