28 Apr 2017

Year 5 Update Wk 28


We thoroughly enjoyed watching 5Ys assembly ‘Dance Through Time’. 5Y did a fantastic job of learning all the routines and entertaining us, well done! As 5Y complete their assembly, 5M are beginning to plan theirs. The children have been working collaboratively to plan different sections of the assembly and we are delighted to see them taking ownership of their learning.



 Central Idea:

Energy can be converted and transformed to support everyday life.

Lines of Inquiry:

  • Transformation of energy (function)
  • Renewable and non-renewable energy (connection)
  • Sustainable energy use in everyday life (connection)


In our Energy unit of inquiry, we have been developing our research skills whilst learning about solar and wind power. We have considered questions and have used these to structure and conduct our own personal inquiry. Some of the children were interested in exploring the advantages and disadvantages of wind power, as well as the more technical aspect of how it can be used to generate electricity. Throughout the unit, the students have been developing and building their technical vocabulary. We have also been considering what sustainability means and how we can make our homes more sustainable.


In math we have been continuing to work on measuring angles accurately and using these to classify shapes and angles. We have developed and reinforced terminology associated with shapes such as parallel,  perpendicular and vertices. Children have also been looking at the properties of 3D shapes and have been starting to experiment with making their own 3D shapes. This will be carry forward into next week. We have been continuing to explore patterns in multiplication and we have used this to support our understanding of factors and multiples.


Year 5 have been exploring examples of explanation texts in reading and identifying the features within this text type. They have also applied their learning by writing their own explanations using the research they have gathered. Using feedback from teachers, peers and their own self assessment, they have considered what they have done well and identified their next steps.


5M Calista Tsui for her effort writing her explanation about wind turbines.

5Y Anthea Wong for continuous effort, enthusiasm and commitment to assembly rehearsals.

5P Valerie Law for consistent hard work and a positive attitude to learning.




Explore the variety of designs that sustainable homes take. Can you identify common features between them? Discuss these with someone at home and consider the advantages and disadvantages. Be ready to share these in class.

Y3 Action Day

Year 3 will be having an Action day on Friday 5th May to support the following charities; Indochina Starfish Foundation, Christina Noble Children’s Foundation, OneSky and Crossroads. The children have organised and will run a series of different activities and stalls to help raise awareness and funds for the below charities.

IndoChina Starfish foundation is an organisation committed to changing the lives of disadvantaged children in Cambodia.

OneSky aims to unlock the vast potential hidden in our world’s most vulnerable young children.

Crossroads Foundation is a Hong Kong based non-profit organisation. Their goal is to connect people in a broken world.

The Christina Noble Foundation is an international partnership of people dedicated to helping underprivileged children. Christina Noble strives to raise funds to support those in need in neighbouring countries, Vietnam and Mongolia.

The stalls will include a toy, book and juice stall at snack time. The lunchtime activities will include a Y1-3 football tournament, The movie Sing and popcorn, a danceathon in the drama room and Maths and book making activities in the Art Room. All items and entry fees will be between $5-$15.

Important Reminder – School Snacks and Lunches

Beacon Hill School have a number of children who are allergic to nuts.  When preparing snacks and lunches for your children please avoid using nut products like Nutella and peanut butter.  We thank you for your cooperation.

Please return any sold raffle tickets and remember more can always be requested.