23 Jun 2017

Year 5 Update Wk 35



Children will wear PE clothes for Thursdays swimming sessions.

Please return portfolios back to school on MONDAY 26th JUNE, as they need to be packed up and sent to the Year 6 Teachers.

If your child will be finishing school before the end of term please remember to let school know so we can email any details regarding reports and next year class arrangements.


We have had a bit of a nature focus in Year 5 this week. We had a few extra swimmers join some of the lessons whom expertly demonstrated how to do breaststroke legs!!!! Some children have harvested the amazing amount of basil which had been growing unnoticed in the butterfly garden and turned into yummy pesto. A large number of children have worked with Mr Melsom to tidy up and prepare the gardens and planting areas for the summer. Well done to all involved for their hardwork.



Central Idea:

Arts are used to express messages and ideas

Lines of Inquiry:

  1. The tools and techniques artists use (form)
  2. How messages are interpreted and conveyed (perspective)
  3. How art influences others (reflection)
Perspective Reflection Form
We will understand that artists draw on different experiences and thoughts when creating their work. We will understand that artists use a range and mix of artistic elements to express their ideas. We will understand that there are different elements of art which work together to create a work of art.

This is the final opportunity for children to refine their pieces of art work and create their own masterpieces. It was been wonderful to watch them grow in confidence to express their ideas. They have also shown maturity when practising and improving their drafts.

5M – Connor Yip – for the kindness he shows to others.

5Y – Katie Lui- growing in confidence when contributing in class discussions

5P – Andrea Ho – great attitude and hardwork throughout the whole of Year 5


Please continue to read throughout next week and the summer holidays and remember:


As the weather is extremely hot, please ensure your child has their cap in school everyday for outside play and PE.

Children will begin to bring classwork and folders home during the last two weeks of school. Please bring in a sturdy bag to help you carry them home.

Next year we have a wonderful opportunity to support Sunshine Action and organise a food drive to help HK’s poorest just before Christmas.  We are looking to provide 1500 pieces of each of the food items below.  Students will be given the opportunity to take meaningful action and taught the relevant skills.
