29 Mar 2019

PE Monthly Update #7

Adventure Challenge

The Year Ones have started their first adventure challenge unit. Adventure challenge is a PE unit which focuses on the skills of problem solving, communication and team work. They will play various games which will focus on these three skills.

Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS)

The stations this month have focussed on hand eye coordination, body control (when balanced and moving) and memory skills. For the outside station they have finished playing handball and have moved onto netball where the focus is on supporting a team mate.

Movement Composition – gymnastics

During this unit the students will focus on using the fundamental gymnastics skills in a sequence. This will be linked to their transport unit with a focus on how to plan a journey in gymnastics.

Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS)

The stations this month have focussed on hand eye coordination, body control (when balanced and moving) and memory skills. For the outside station they have finished playing handball and have moved onto netball where the focus is on supporting a team mate.

Invasion Games

The Year Threes have started a new invasion unit based around gaelic football. They will look at what are important skills in invasion games and will work on the fundamental skills of invasion games and use them in modified games of gaelic football.

Health and Fitness

With their class teachers they will be looking at health and fitness in connection to their current unit. They will look at the human body systems and what happens to them when we do (or do not) exercise.

Striking and fielding – cricket

The Year Fours have started their new unit where they will be learning the skills of cricket. They will focus on striking, fielding and bowling and on how to score and stop runs being scored. They will play modified cricket games.

Invasion Games – netball

With their class teachers they are currently learning about netball. During this unit they will learn about how to support players and the importance of passing and moving when attacking. They will also learn about how to defend in netball.

Individual Pursuits – athletics

This unit is linked to their class energy unit. The students will look at how energy is used when performing in athletics. They will explore how energy is stored in our bodies and how we can use it to help us perform better in athletics.

Invasion Games

With their class teachers they have been looking at invasion games and they will create an invasion game to teach to their Year 1 buddy class.

Adventure Challenge

During this unit the focus will be on problem solving, thinking outside the box, cooperation, communication and team work. One of the sessions will introduce the sport of orienteering which involves map reading, running and quick decision making.

Health and Fitness

With their class teachers this unit will focus on what happens to the body of fitness and the importance of being fit and healthy. They will look at the link between health and fitness and wellbeing.


This section of the P.E. Monthly Updates has been moved to the weekly newsletter. Please share any sporting successes and celebrations that have happened outside of school teams and sports. Please send to kannis.tsui@bhs.edu.hk any photos (with a short description) of your child’s sporting achievements. Thanks.