26 Oct 2018

Year 1 Update – Week 9

Tuesday 30th October – Year 6 Bake sale

Tuesday 13th November – Year One Pizza lunch

  Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th November – School photographs

Monday 5th November – Year One LEAP

Makedo Sessions with Mr Lowe

This week all of the Year One children spent two lessons with Mr Lowe using their creative thinking skills by exploring and experimenting with the Makedo kit. The children were given boxes, plastic screws, saws and screwdrivers to create their own large models. We were very impressed with the children’s imaginative ideas, problem-solving skills and their ability to connect and co-operate with their peers. Some of the amazing models the children made included robots, cars, rockets, elephants and a giant castle!

The Pitch

On Thursday, all three classes went to the pitch to engage in some outdoor physical play. This week the children had the opportunity to explore different sports equipment such as hoops, skipping ropes, tennis balls, footballs and balance stilts. It was nice to see the children connecting with others and coming up with their own games. Next week, all of the children will be put into small groups and will take part in a rotation of games using different types of equipment.

The central idea for this unit is:  We connect with each other to create learning communities
The lines of inquiry for this unit are:
  • How we can get to know each other and ourselves (Connection)
  • Different types of learning and play (Form)
  • How to make our classroom a place for successful for learning (Function)

This week the children have explored the artwork of Keith Haring and have looked at the colours and shapes he used in his art and the messages that he tried to give through his paintings.

Next week, we will continue to focus on the art of Keith Haring and will encourage the children to come up with their own art based on his work. We will look at how they can show connections with others through their art and the children will have the opportunity to cut and stick, paint, draw or model using salt dough or clay.


Bake sales
The first bake sale for this year will be the Year Six bake sale on Tuesday 30th October.  We suggest that children in Year One bring in no more than $20 as this is enough to buy one large cake or muffin, or two smaller biscuits.  Money should also be bought to school in a named purse or wallet.
Scholastic Book Club
Our latest Scholastic Book Club is up and running! Go to http://world-schools.scholastic.co.uk/beacon-hill-1 to browse the latest books and order online. For every $1 you spend in BHS’ Book Club, our school will earn 20c in Scholastic Rewards.

Please place your order online by November 23rd, 2018.

Many thanks,

BHS English team


This week we have wrapped up our mini unit based on addition and subtraction. The children have had practical experience using number lines and maths equipment to solve addition and subtraction problems. We will return to this unit again later this term.

Next week, we will start a unit based on shape and space. We will start the unit by looking at positional and directional language by playing games, using technology, reading maths stories and giving the children the opportunity to use this language in their learning. The vocabulary we will be introducing will include words such as, behind, in front of, next to, beside, left, right, on, under, forwards, backwards.


Please help the children to complete the Mathletics tasks that have been assigned to your child. The children can also enjoy Maths Live and play other children live across the world.

This week, we have continued to retell stories using the Five Finger Retell. The children are very familiar with this and will be able to use it at home when you are reading and retelling with your child. The ability to retell with detail is an important part of reading comprehension.
Next week in Reader’s and Writer’s Workshops, we will be focusing on concepts of print and will be looking at the concept of a letter, a word and a sentence. The children will be engaged in word hunts, putting together broken sentences and word building using letter cards and magnetic letters.
Unit 2 Phonics:
Our phonemes for this unit are:
r,l,d,b, f, h, i, u
Our camera words for this unit are:
day, of, a, he, today, for
Please support your children in learning to read and write the camera words from unit 1 and unit 2.  When you are playing the suggested phonic games please use the letter sounds rather than the letters of the alphabet.

Congratulations to the children who received a Golden Book certificate this week.

1L – Hillary Tsang

1P – Christine Shi

1W – Kaitlyn Song

PE – Kaitlyn Song

Mandarin – Lillian Ng – 1W

Kaylee Lui – 1P

Phonics Games

I Spy game – Put a selection of three letter word objects or picture cards on the floor, eg; zip, cup, hat, cap, cat, dog, tap. Use a puppet to say “I spy with my little eye a z-i-p, saying each letter sound individually. Then invite the child to find the object and hold it up.

Sound Buttons – This game focuses on the skill of blending for reading CVC (3 letter) words. Write a CVC word on a whiteboard or piece of paper and put a big dot to represent a button under each letter in the word. Ask the child to say each letter sound as they press the button. Then say the whole word. You could use words such as; cat, pig, pen, dig, dog, hat, cot, dot, sit, sat, pin, jig, fig, nip, not, hot.