28 Sep 2018

Year 2 Update Week 6

  • Monday 1st October – Public Holiday – BHS closed.
  • Tuesday 9th October & Thursday 11th October – Parent Consultation evenings.
  • Friday 12th October – Dress Casual Day (Community Chest). Last day of half term. School finishes 3pm.
  • Monday 22nd October – School resumes
  • Tuesday 23rd October – Talk to Year 2 students by a representative from ‘Plastic Free Seas’
Thank you to all the parents who came to help with our trip to Penfold Park. The children had a wonderful time and appreciate the time you have given. The trip would not have been possible without your help and support. We hope the trip helped to improve your well-being too!
Thank you for supporting your child with their spelling home learning. The children seem to be enjoying the weekly spelling test and have also been working hard on their handwriting in the classroom
We are looking forward to discussing your child’s learning with you on either October 9th or 11th. Please make an appointment on the Gateway if you have not done so already.
Your child will be informed about their next steps with reading. Please note that one reading colour includes several reading levels so the children may not move to different colours for several months. We assess the children’s comprehension in the reading assessments, they need to be able to talk about their reading, make connections, retell in detail and show a thorough understanding to move colours.
PE Kit Library Bags
2D Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday
2F Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Thursday
2K Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Wednesday

Another short week, the highlight was of course our trip to Penfold Park! Thank you so much to our parent helpers, the trip would not have been successful without such support. As you already know, the children planned and carried out activities to support their well-being. This included making a healthy sandwich, observing rules of hygiene, using their fitness trackers, enjoying nature, relaxing and playing cooperative games.

Central idea

Lifestyle choices can affect human health and well-being

Lines of inquiry:

  1. What it means to have a balanced lifestyle (causation)
  2. The choices we make that affect our health and well-being (reflection)
  3. Lifestyle changes (change)

Our first unit of inquiry will come to an end next week. The children will complete a summative assessment to see if they can identify and discuss some unbalanced lifestyle choices. They will discuss their own lifestyle and consider any action they can take to improve their own well-being.

Towards the end of the week, please ask your child about our forthcoming Unit of Inquiry:

People’s choices can impact the environment


Place Value

Central Idea: We represent numbers and number relationships using the place value system

An inquiry into:

  • Ways to represent numbers
  • How we count numbers
  • The Base Ten place value system
  • Odd and even numbers (pattern and function)

The children will be working towards the following outcomes:

  • Count by naming numbers in sequences, to and back from 999, moving from any starting point
  • Recognise, model, read, write and order three digit numbers
  • Apply place value to partition and rename, numbers to three digit numbers
  • Skip count by 2s, 5s and 10s starting from zero
  • Round numbers to the nearest 10
  • Estimate up to 20 objects
  • Identify and describe patterns in odd and even numbers

The children will be continuing to take part in problem-solving challenges to develop their understanding of place value in the real world. They will also be looking at pictographs linked to healthy lifestyles.

The children have new tasks to complete on data handling. Please spend some time on it each week.

Writing focus: Writing to instruct

Text Type:

Writers choose words, punctuation and words for a purpose.

Related Language Concepts: imperative verbs, tense, capital letters and full stops.

The children will complete a summative task on instructional writing to see if they are able to apply their learning independently.

In reading, the focus is self-monitoring and summarising. The children will be asked to show their understanding that it is their job to make sense of the texts they are reading and learning more about the strategies to use if they get stuck.  They will be using SCOOP to help them retell the stories they have read.

Well done to:

Due to school closure, there was no Golden Book

Your child has a new spelling book. Every Friday, your child will have a list of 8 spellings which they will need to learn for a spelling test the following Friday.
 Your child will get one spelling card inside the book. They will need to do the following things for Friday 5th October.
  • Learn the third list of 8 words.
  • In their spelling book, they will need to write each word in a sentence. One has been done already as an example.
  • Complete one activity from the boxes to help them learn their spelling. This does not need to be seen by the teacher.
  • Please sign the bottom of spelling card to show that they have done these things.
Home Reading
Please read at home with your child each day and sign their Reading Journal. Please encourage your child to write the date and title in their Reading Journal, including for Big Universe.
In Big Universe, select ‘Library’. On the right-hand side you will be able to select the ‘grade’ for your child. The appropriate grade selection is kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade. This covers the age group of our children at BHS.
Mandarin – All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.

At BHS we have lots of great clubs which our students really enjoy so Ms Chung challenged us to create even more!   As the student councillors, we interviewed our friends and classmates to find out their favourite clubs. We were wondering if any parents would like to help run these clubs?  Do not panic! You do not need to be an expert or world champion, just enthusiastic and willing to help. This could be as an one off session or more, it is up to you. Please click on this google form to volunteer.  The Student Council will then get in contact with you to organise the club.  We will help with all the logistics such as venue, students and resources.

Thank you for any help you can give us.