12 Jan 2018

Year 4 Update – Wk 17

Friday 26th January 2018 – 4F Class Assembly

Wednesday 31st January 2018 – Marie Marchand Parent Workshop 6pm – 8pm (please see details below) 

Tuesday 6th February – Y2 Bake Sale – Bring some money to buy a delicious treat

Monday 12th February – BHS China Day Activities (more details to follow)

Tuesday 13th February – Chinese New Year performance to parents 6pm

Friday 16th February – Half Term begins (3pm finish)

Monday 26th February – First day back

Marie Marchand Parent Workshop

We are delighted to welcome back Marie Marchand to present at Beacon Hill School on January 31st from 6-8pm. This year’s focus will be positive behaviour management strategies for parents- Discipline without Shouting. Please see the details and sign up via the gateway https://tg.esf.edu.hk The cost will be $50 per person.

Marie is an excellent speaker- both entertaining and informative and we thoroughly recommend any parents from year 1-6 to come and enjoy her presentation.

Portfolios Back to School

Welcome back to a new school term! We hope your child had a chance to share their portfolios with you over the Christmas holidays. Please kindly remind your child to return their portfolio if they have not already.

Student Council Fruity  Friday
The last term we surveyed our students to find out how we can make BHS even better.  A lot of students wanted Fruity Friday back.  This is an opportunity for you to help your child have delicious and healthy snacks at least once a week.  Can you please support and encourage your child to bring in a fruity snack each Friday.  We do not want processed snacks with fruit in them as they contain preservatives and man-made sugar.  Thank you in advance for your support.  Fruity Friday starts on Friday 19th January.

Y4 Teacher Contact Information
4F – Mrs Fennelly – charlotte.fennelly@bhs.edu.hk 
4L – Miss Fisher – laura.fisher@bhs.edu.hk
4W – Miss Wu – jane.wu@bhs.edu.hk
Year 4 Learning Support Teacher – Ms Mak – haymen.mak@bhs.edu.hk
Vice Principal – Mr Thompson – andy.thompson@bhs.edu.hk
Unit of Inquiry
Students previously conducted scientific experiments related to discoveries of significant scientists. In the case of inquiring into the Wright brothers and their explorations into powered flight, they had the opportunity to experience the struggles and persevered through the investigation!
Personal Inquiries
Students have chosen an explorer or scientist to learn more about this week. They will be working through the 5E’s of the inquiry cycle in the following weeks.


Where We Are in Place and Time

Central Idea

Change in our world can happen through exploration and discovery. 

Lines of Inquiry

An inquiry into…

  • Explorations and discoveries that have changed our world (change)
  • The reasons why people choose to explore and discover (causation)
  • The effects of explorations and discoveries on the recording of time (connection)

Next week, students will complete their personal inquiries on their chosen explorer or scientist and present their learning. The students will be reflecting on their understanding of their famous person and tracking their progress against a set of success criteria.

Strand Maths: Time

Central Idea

Events have attributes that can be measured using appropriate tools

Lines of Inquiry

An inquiry into:

  • Read and write the time to the minute and investigate the relationship between units of time.
  • Convert between the units of time.
  • Describe time and duration (elapsed) in terms of am and pm

Next week the students will review their understanding time through a variety of activities.

Writing to Persuade

Congratulations to the students who were awarded Golden Book certificates!
 4F – Rei Kitamura
4L – Ariel Cheung
4W – Harry Wong
Home Learning – DIY. org

Your child should have signed up for a free DIY.org account. This site provides children with opportunities to discover new skills, upload evidence, receive peer feedback and earn ‘patches’ in a safe, monitored environment designed especially for children. We would like all children to create an account (there is an app you may wish to install, too) but this requires them to gain parental consent so please assist them with this. They may wish to start earning ‘patches’ by completing projects and developing new skills or they may wish just to explore the website at this stage. Please take the time to do this together as this is a fabulous resource which provides excellent opportunities for developing new skills and making discoveries.

To earn a “patch” the children should complete 3 projects. Therefore, we are giving the children plenty of time to complete this home learning assignment. The children have planned their projects and have until 19th January 2018 to complete them.


The children have a list of words they need to learn. They should practise these at home in preparation for “buddy spelling tests” (the children testing each other) in class next week.
The children have been given their Home Reading Journals and are expected to read for 20 minutes per day at their given comprehension age. Children will record the title of their book in their journal. Please discuss your child’s reading and leave a comment in the journal so that they can change their book.
To support their reading development, please make sure of the following:
  • Home reading should be fun not a chore.
  • Keep the timing short, find a comfy, quiet space and have a chat about what your child is reading. This really helps to develop their comprehension skills.
  • There is information about comprehension at the beginning of the journal, which you can use to help guide your discussion with your child. Please also refer to information your class teacher has sent out to you about how to help your child at home. 

All children should aim to spend 30 minutes per week completing their assigned Mathletics tasks and/or practising their times tables.

Mandarin (All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.)

Ms Lynn (Home learning) – Please check your google classroom for details.

Ms Xu – 完成google classroom 练习,记得借书读书,写读书报告,完成课堂未完成的功课。