28 Jan 2019

Year 4 Update – Week 20

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Friday 1st February – Chinese Cultural Activities Day

Monday 4th February – Friday 8th February – Chinese New Year Holiday

Thursday 21st February – Y3 – Y6 Sports Day

Book Drive

Brody, Ryan and Muchan in Year 6 are organising a Book Drive to help spread our love of reading.  The Sony Corporation will collect books to create mobile libraries in South Africa for schools that do not have enough books for children to read.  If you have books that are:

Please send them to school.  There will be a collection box in the school foyer from Monday 21st January. Any books you can donate will help spread the enjoyment of reading.

Action in the PYP at BHS

It has been great celebrating the talents and achievements of our students through the ’Student Achievement’ section in the newsletter.  We would like to do something similar with Student Action. Action in the PYP is when students are inspired through their learning and their experiences to make a difference to their lives or the community connected to real life issues and opportunities.  We would like to celebrate our students taking action outside of school.

Please could you email examples to me, andy.thompson@bhs.edu.hk and I will share through our newsletter.  

There are different types of Action.  We would like to start with a focus on Participation.  See below for a definition and examples

Type of Action Examples

Being actively involved in their learning and contributing as an individual or a group

Getting involved with community projects

Making appropriate choices and taking responsibility to help people

Taking on different roles e.g. being a leader, completing my chores, working in a group, looking after my pet

Taking part in any decision making process

Joining a new club


This week in Year 4 the students have been engaged in a variety of mathematical learning engagements including pattern and function where they have investigated prime and composite number. They have also been engaged in a number of activities to do with telling the time.

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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Screen-Shot-2019-02-01-at-1.19.15-PM.jpg

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Central Idea:

People and purposes affect the design and construction of objects and systems.

Lines of Inquiry:

An inquiry into…

  • The skills and knowledge needed to realise designs (CAUSATION)
  • Designers use and reflect on their plans in order to be successful (REFLECTION)
  • The factors that influence the design and construction of objects and systems. (CONNECTION)

Image result for parts purposes complexities graphic organiser

Next week, the children will be introduced to our new Unit of Inquiry. They will engage in a pre-assessment designed and created by the Y4 teachers. The children will be using their Information Literacy skills and will be thinking about the parts, purposes and complexities, which connects to the concepts for our new inquiry.

Image result for prime and composite number poster

Central Idea:

By analysing patterns and identifying rules for patterns it is possible to make predictions.

Lines of Inquiry:

An inquiry into…

    1. Rules of patterns and how these predict future terms.
    1. Equivalent number sentences using addition and subtraction.
  1. Patterns and relationships in multiplication and division

Next week in Mathematics the children will be looking at identifying and describing the properties of prime and composite numbers. They will be doing some problem thinking connected to prime and composite numbers.

Please continue to help your children to practise their multiplication tables at home. Click the image below to access some online games that might support this….

Image result for top marks maths logo

Writing Focus: Writing to entertain

Next week, the children will finish our previous unit and will write an unaided piece of persuasive writing on why the PTA should continue popcorn day.

Comprehension Strategies: Making Connections

Next week, the children will look at making connections and how readers make links between the text and what they already know. There are three kinds of connections children can make when they read; text to self connection, tex to text connection and text to world connection.

Image result for comprehension strategies making connections

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Monday 28th  January 2019

4A – Shamu Tharm This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Screen-Shot-2019-02-01-at-3.28.57-PM.png

4F -Jayla ChungThis image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Screen-Shot-2019-02-01-at-3.29.22-PM.png

4W – Nathan YauThis image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Screen-Shot-2019-02-01-at-3.29.48-PM.png

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The students have 8 spellings each week that they will need to practise at home. They will have 3 spelling tests each week to make sure they know how to spell their words correctly on a consistent basis.
Students should read everyday and talk to an adult about the text they have selected. This can be a chance for them to practise their comprehension strategies
  • Mon, Weds, Fri – borrow a BHS home reading book
  • Tues, Thurs – read a book online from Big Universe

All children should aim to spend 30 minutes per week completing their assigned Mathletics tasks and/or practising their times tables.


All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.

  • Ms Lynn – Please complete home learning assigned in Mandarin Matrix.