21 Jan 2019

Year 5 Update Week 19

5D – Monday and Friday

5F – Wednesday and Thursday

5C – Wednesday and Friday

Book Drive – Brody, Ryan and Muchan in Year 6 are organising a Book Drive to help spread our love of reading.  The Sony Corporation will collect books to create mobile libraries in South Africa for schools that do not have enough books for children to read.  If you have books that are:

  • written in the English language
  • suitable for 6-12-year-olds
  • pages should be not yellow or brown (due to ageing)
  • no missing or torn pages
  • no scribble on the pages
  • no textbooks
  • no encyclopedias
  • no magazines

Please send them to school.  There will be a collection box in the school foyer from Monday 21st January. Any books you can donate will help spread the enjoyment of reading.

Big Business

Mind Mapping Ideas

Using mind map techniques, 5D splurged our creative ideas onto paper and practiced working in groups. We quickly discovered that the best way to communicate was one at a time however this is still being cemented!


Debating the Theme

5D used a theme board document for each group to come up with a theme for our companies. We looked at how different companies have strong ‘brand identities’ and thought about how we could give our companies more of a personality. There were some great ideas from lots of different people and we have started to pin down some main themes for all of our companies.

Drama Skills with Ms Quinn

This week we began our Drama sessions with specialist drama teacher, Ms Heather Cooper. Our first session was all centred around bringing ourselves out of our comfort zones and feeling more confident on the stage. We used body language to convey emotions too. Our second session was centred around acting for adverts and how that differs to live performing.

English Creating Storyboards

We started to practice making storyboards of a skittles advert so that we could learn how adverts are written. First we watched the ad (here) and looked at it in detail. Then we created the narrative, listing beginning middle and end. Then, we developed storyboards based on the advert itself. Next week we are aiming to create our own advert story boards, starting with the narratives. 

Maths Looking at our survey data

We took a survey in 5D of the children around the school and collected all the responses. We then collated our results and spent some time converting them into graphs using google sheets. We discussed our findings and used them to inform our decision making. 

Transdisiplinary Theme – How We Organise Ourselves

Central Idea – There are many factors at work within a workplace

An inquiry into..
  • functioning effectively as a team (function)
  • how the components in a marketplace operate – (price, budget, profit, loss, supply and demand) (causation)
  • research and marketing (reflection)
Concepts : function, causation and reflection
Related Concepts : price, business system, collaboration
Learner Profile : courageous, communicator
Attitudes : co-operation, confidence

Number Maths – Four Operations
Central Idea – Strategies for whole number computation can apply to fractional and decimal computation

An inquiry into.

    • efficient mental strategies  that can be used to solve multiplication and division
    • efficient written strategies that can be used to solve multiplication and division
    • The relationships between these strategies and their use across a variety of problems.

Questions we are exploring in this unit:

How can we show multiplication and division of whole numbers?

How can we multiply and divide decimal numbers using a written format?

What are the different ways to multiply and divide?

What mental strategies help us to multiply?

What mental strategies help us to divide?

What is the difference between short and long division?

How many ways can you represent remainders?

When is it best to use short division or multiplication?

When is it best to use long division or multiplication?

How can we add and subtract decimal numbers mentally?

Why do I need to know my multiplication facts?

Strand Maths – Measurement
Central Idea – Data can be presented effectively for valid interpretation and communication.

An inquiry into… 

    • How data can be collected
    • Using different scales on graphs and charts
    • How data can be interpreted

Questions we are exploring in this unit:

What questions can be posed to give rise to the collection of data?

How are different graphs and charts constructed?

How (and why) are different scales used on graphs?

What is the purpose of mode and mean?

What have we learned that will help us read and interpret the data?

Can the data be interpreted in a different way by someone else?

Writing Focus – Playscripts : For the first few weeks of this UOI we will be looking at Play scripts and will spend some time to write our own/groups scripts ready for our advertisements.

A play script is a piece of writing written for the stage.

  • A play script will include a list of characters (at the very beginning).
  • It may be divided into acts which are then divided into scenes.
  • Each scene will have a description of the setting at the start and then the characters’ dialogue.
  • Dialogue is set out with the character’s name on the left, then a colon then the dialogue.
  • Stage directions for the actors are written every now and again in italics and brackets.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is writing-playscripts-key-stage-resource-1_1.pngReading Focus – For this unit, our reading comprehension strategies are Synthesising and Questioning.

Synthesising – It’s best to think of synthesising as an ongoing, multi-step process. We want students to stop multiple times to evaluate what they know or think they know about some element of the text. Elements like the topic, the characters, the problem, etc. Each time students stop reading, they reflect, they combine their previous thoughts with new information and they form new ideas.

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Questioning – To aid comprehension, skilful readers ask themselves questions before, during, and after they read.  We can help the children become more proficient by modelling this and encouraging them to use it when they read independently.

Successful reading is not simply the mechanical process of “decoding” text. Rather, it is a process of active inquiry. Good readers approach a text with questions and develop new questions as they read, for example:

“What is this story about?”
“What does the main character want?”
“Will she get it?” “If so, how?”

Even after reading, engaged readers still ask questions:

“What is the meaning of what I have read?”
“Why did the author end the paragraph (or chapter, or book) in this way?”
“What was the author’s purpose in writing this?”

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5C – Queena Huang
5D – Chloe Shroeder and Abby Ng
Mandarin – Abby Ng (from 5D)
5F – Jasmine Maruli
Congratulations to all our winners!


  • Read the Weekly Update
  • Mathletics – continue with the set tasks or feel free to try any others that you feel you want to practice.
  • Prodigy – please continue on with your Prodigy online games.
  • 5F – please continue to use Quizlet to help you learn your spelling words and meanings.
  • UOI – have a think about some handmade products, food, games or services that you think you might be interested in selling at your Big Business Market…come in on Monday with a list of Top 5 that you can share with your group.  Please don’t buy anything yet!!!!
  • Spelling –  The children are sent home their 10 personal words that they need to learn for the week. The will happen on a Monday for 5F, Wednesday for 5D and Friday for 5C. Please, can a parent (or responsible adult) support the children by...testing them (written or oral), getting them to put their words into interesting sentences (written or oral), discussing the meanings of the words, thinking about synonyms and antonyms of that word, discussing words with a similar meaning etc.
  • Reading –  The children will be choosing levelled readers based on their own ability and are expected to read each night for at least 20mins at home with a parent.  The children need to record their reading in their Reading Journals and parents can you please sign your child’s journal each night? Journals need to be returned to school each morning to be checked and will come home each evening (except Friday).  Children may use Big Universe twice a week (only) as their choice of home reading
  • Mandarin Home Learning – All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.
  • Ms Lynn – Please complete home learning assigned in Mandarin Matrix.