26 Oct 2018

Year 5 Update Week 9

Tuesday 30th October – Year 6 Bake Sale….please bring in some coins to buy some treats to support our PTA

Friday 2nd November – 5C Class Assembly…..9am start in the hall, all 5C parents welcome

Monday 5th November – school photos

Tuesday 6th November – school photos

Friday 9th November – sibling photos

Monday 12th November – Mandarin Parent/Teacher Consultations….please sign up via The Gateway soon

Wednesday 14th November – Mandarin Parent/Teacher Consultations….please sign up via The Gateway soon

Tuesday 20th-23rd November – Year 5 Camp Week

Wednesday 21st November – Mandarin Parent/Teacher Consultations….please sign up via The Gateway soon

Friday 23rd November – Mandarin Parent/Teacher Consultations….please sign up via The Gateway soon

Tuesday 27th November – Mandarin Parent/Teacher Consultations….please sign up via The Gateway soon

Friday 7th December – PTA Christmas Disco Year 4-6

Wednesday 12th December – Christmas Concert 7pm

Friday 14th December – last day before Christmas break….12pm finish

If you would like to have a look at the available books then use this link…
The more books you buy, the more rewards we earn for BHS (free books!)
Order deadline: Friday 23rd November
Any books your parents order online will be sent to Hong Kong and delivered to your classroom (in time for the Christmas holidays, I hope!)
Happy browsing!
Mrs Fennelly, Ms Jeves and Mrs Dale
BHS English Team


5D – Monday and Friday

5F – Wednesday and Thursday

5C – Monday and Friday


Number Maths – Multiplication and Division

In number maths this week, students have continued to work on different strategies to complete multiplication questions. Students have been encouraged to use their estimating skills as a strategy to self check. In mental maths we have been working on using our understanding of multiplying by 10 and 100 to support ways of multiplying 2 digit numbers by multiples of 10, or in some cases, 100.

Strand Maths –  Measure

In strand maths we have been working on estimating and measuring using a range of measuring tools. The students had the opportunity to put this into practise during a range of practical learning engagements. This gave the students an opportunity to work on reading a range of scales.




English (Writing) – In writing this week the students have looked at identifying key features of a good explanation text. They have had the opportunity to write their own and assess it against their success criteria. They have also developed their ability to identify the main ideas from texts and are beginning to develop the skill of note taking. The students will then use these notes to create their own explanation texts.

English (Reading) In reading the students have been working on synthesising and summarising. Students enjoyed discussing how their thinking changed as they read the The Water Witcher.

Technology with Mr. Lowe –

This week students have continued to develop their understanding of how water is filtered and transported. They explored the idea of using a pump and considered which structures might support the transport of water. They then tried to combine their filtering systems, with their method of transportation. Throughout the process the students have been encouraged to discuss their design ideas collaboratively, reflect on their success and challenges, and come up with practical solutions to solve and make improvements.


The students had a great trip to Crossroads this week. They enjoyed learning, in a practical way, how access to clean drinking water varies between different countries. This has connected nicely with our work with Mr Lowe on designing filtering and transportation systems. In addition to this we have been exploring the distribution of water across different countries and how countries use water from a fairness and equality perspective.



Transdisiplinary Theme  – Sharing the Planet

Central Idea – Peoples actions can impact our water resources.

An inquiry into…
  • how water changes (change)
  • distribution, availability and access to usable water (connection)
  • the way humans can impact water use (responsibility)
Concepts : change, connection, responsibility
Related Concepts : access, consumption evaporation, condensation
Learner Profile : principled and inquirer
Attitudes : appreciation, commitment

Number Maths – Place Value
Central Idea –
An inquiry into…
  • patterns and relationships of tenths and hundredths
  • the patterns of 6+ digit numbers and how they are represented
Strand Maths – Shape and Space
Central Idea –
An inquiry into…
  • creating, describing and visualising 2D and 3D shapes
  • transforming shapes
  • locating points on a grid

Writing Focus

For this unit of inquiry, our new writing focus will be explanation texts.  Over the next few weeks, we will be thinking about and discussing we make a good explanation text and we will be deconstructing some good examples of explanations. We then will move on to writing our own and self-monitoring as we go along…fixing up mistakes and improving the first drafts of our writing.  At the same time, we will be learning how to take notes using a very of formats and we will be learning about academic honesty and how to correctly cite our sources.

Reading Focus – Summarising and Synthesising

The next Reading Comprehension strategies that we will be focussing on are Summarising and Synthesising so we would love for you to help your child with these ones over this new UOI.

Summarising……Summarising teaches students how to discern the most important ideas in a text, how to ignore irrelevant information, and how to integrate the central ideas in a meaningful way. Teaching students to summarise improves their memory for what is read. Summarisation strategies can be used in almost every content area.

Why Use Summarising?

  • It helps students learn to determine essential ideas and consolidate important details that support them.
  • It enables students to focus on keywords and phrases of an assigned text that are worth noting and remembering.
  • It teaches students how to take a large selection of text and reduce it to the main points for more concise understanding.

Synthesising.……..Synthesising is the development of what we’re reading…as we read it!  As we read, an original thought takes shape, and then it expands or changes as we read new information.  Essentially it is “Combining new ideas with what I already read to get something new and different.”  As students read, their thinking should change depending on new information.

5D Harry Wong
5F Liam Wong
5C Ethan Young
Music Abby Ng
Mandarin Savina Lee


  • Read the Weekly Update
  • 5D Writing – Using your plans, write your third paragraph for your story. This paragraph should resolve the problem from the second paragraph, but shouldn’t end up being the end of the story with phrases like “and then they all went home and lived happily ever after”. You have your first and second paragraphs typed up on your google accounts to re-read what you have already written. Please write the third paragraph on paper so that I can see your editing and mark your work. We will type them up when we return to school. If you wish to continue after the third, be my guest!
  • Mathletics – continue with the set tasks or feel free to try any others that you feel you want to practice.
  • Spelling –  The children are sent home their 10 personal words that they need to learn for the week. The will happen on a Monday for 5F, Wednesday for 5D and Friday for 5C. Please, can a parent (or responsible adult) support the children by...testing them (written or oral), getting them to put their words into interesting sentences (written or oral), discussing the meanings of the words, thinking about synonyms and antonyms of that word, discussing words with a similar meaning etc. 
  • Reading –  The children will be choosing levelled readers based on their own ability and are expected to read each night for at least 20mins at home with a parent.  The children need to record their reading in their Reading Journals and parents can you please sign your child’s journal each night? Journals need to be returned to school each morning to be checked and will come home each evening (except Friday).  Children may use Big Universe twice a week (only) as their choice of home reading
  • Mandarin Home Learning – All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.