14 Oct 2019

Year 5 Update Week 9

Image result for end of year graphic

The idea of fostering a growth mindset came up in a lot of parent consultations this past week. Here is a nice resource for you to support your child in their attitude towards learning and beyond. There are also many resources online, like this playlist!
We would love to have more parent volunteers for the PTA. If you are interested please email: haymen.mak@bhs.edu.hk.

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Central Idea

Migration has an impact on people and society.

Lines of Inquiry

  • The reasons why people migrate (causation)
  • The challenges and opportunities of migration (change)
  • The impact of migration on individuals and society (perspective)

Solo Taxonomy – Mr Pheasant


SOLO Taxonomy is a powerful model of learning that is both easy to use and highly effective in advancing and deepening learning across the curriculum. We will be reviewing where we are with our understanding into this unit and generate questions for personal inquiries.





Reading focus

5Y: Aiden Lu

5W: Ayden Hong

5H: Shunji Lam



House Points



Image result for home learning


  • 5W – Complete personal inquiries (if necessary)


  • Read the Weekly Update
  • Mathletics – continue with the set tasks
  • Spelling – each week the children are sent home their 10 personal words that they need to learn for the week.  Please, can a parent (or responsible adult) support the children by...testing them (written or oral), getting them to put their words into interesting sentences (written or oral), discussing the meanings of the words, thinking about synonyms and antonyms of that word, discussing words with a similar meaning etc. 
  • Reading – levelled home readers will be starting to come home soon.  The children will be choosing levelled readers based on their own ability and are expected to read each night for at least 20mins at home with a parent.  The children need to record their reading in their Reading Journals and parents can you please sign your child’s journal each night.  Journals need to be returned to school each morning to be checked and will come home each evening (except Friday).  Children may use Big Universe twice a week (only) as their choice of home reading.
  • Mandarin Home Learning– All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.


Thought of the week