21 Oct 2019

Year 6 Update Week 11





4th – 8th November – Year 6 Camp in Sai Kung

29th November – Wellbeing Day

6th December – Y4-6 Disco

13th December – Term Ends – 12pm Finish

Swimming is now finished for the school year. 

There was no golden book last week due to the CPD day.
Other Important Dates:
PE Days
6D – Monday & Friday
6C – Friday
6P – Friday
Learning Centre Days
6C- Friday
6D- Friday
6P- Thursday

This week we have been investigating our new unit: Civilisations!

We took a trip to the Hong Kong History Museum to see how civilization in Hong Kong has developed over time. We started at the prehistoric age, right up to the modern-day. We tried to find artifacts that linked with the six areas of civilization: Geography, Religion, Achievements, Politics, Entertainment/Economy and Social Structures or GRAPES for short. 


In the classroom, we created group projects about a new text: Weslandia. This is the story of a boy who creates his own civilisation! We learned in groups to make a creative expression of the 6 GRAPES elements that featured in the story. There were raps, plays, portfolios, and even a debate. It was great to see such a wide range of presentation methods. 



Number Maths 

Please continue with Mathletics / Prodigy at home.


Students should have brought home their reading journals this week and they should be reading on a daily basis: on Fridays we update our Reading Diaries with a quality recount entry. Please can we ask parents to sign next to the comment. Students should be reading every day.


Each week we would like students to do the following:

  • Choose at least 2 spelling activities and have a grown-up initial next to the activity completed. 
  • Write their spelling words out 3 times in columns. Look, cover, write and check.
  • Complete 2 spelling tests at home.
  • Science – students can practice presenting their ideas: in front of a mirror to a parent, peer or their pet hamster. Practice verbalising your ideas about your science experiment.
*If you have any questions, please email your child’s teacher: Mr. Douglas, Mrs. Craig or Mrs. Palmer for further clarification. Have a great week!