11 Nov 2016

Year 1 Update – Wk 12

Wednesday 22nd November – Year 1 pizza lunch
Monday 28th November – Year 1 immunisations.
Friday 2nd December – PTA disco
Thursday 8th December – BHS Christmas Concert 7pm
Tuesday 13th December – Last day of term, 12pm finish
Play Workshop
A big thank you to all the parents, grandparents and other family members who attended the Year One Play Workshops over the past two weeks. It was lovely to see so many of you engaging in different types of play with your children and getting yourselves fully involved in the types of play that they like to participate in. We hope that you found the sessions useful and are able to implement some of these ideas at home when playing with your children. If you have not returned your “Pledge to Play” reflection yet please make sure that your child’s class teacher receives it by next Friday. If you wish to remind yourselves of the important information that we shared with you, the presentation slides will be on the school website under the “Communication” heading.
Trip to Peng Chau
Next Friday we will be taking the children to Peng Chau to look at an island community. The children will have the opportunity to explore the community, stop to draw a picture and write a postcard about what they have seen. They will also have the opportunity to buy a stamp from the Post Office and put their postcard in the mail box.
We would like to encourage more independence on this trip, therefore we will only be taking 15 adults per class. We have had a fantastic response from parents who would like to help so in order to make it as fair as possible we have drawn names from a hat. Today your child will bring home a slip in the diary to say whether you are required or not. If you are not required this time we will put you to the top of the list for our next trip. Thank you to all the parents who offered to help. We greatly appreciate your support with these types of trips.
On another note, if your child suffers from travel sickness please let your child’s class teacher know before Friday.
We are continuing to run two units alongside each other.
How We Organise Ourselves

Central Idea: Within a community that are different roles and responsibilities

This week the children have been looking at the concept of responsibility and have been discussing ways in which they could take on more responsibility at home. The classes had interesting discussions about ways in which they could help at home and some of these ideas included packing their own school bags before they come to school, dressing themselves, helping with the tidying up and going to bed when they are asked to. Each child has made a pledge linked to this discussion and these will be coming home in their diaries next week. Please discuss the pledges at home and help them to make steps towards achieving them. It would be really lovely if each child could bring in a photo of them completing their pledge at home.


Next week the children will be preparing for our trip to Peng Chau by using non-fiction books to learn about people in our wider community and their roles within the community. They will also be starting to explore the features of a postcard so that they are ready to write their postcard home from Peng Chau on Friday.

How the World Works

Central Idea:  The Earth’s changes affect the activity of living things

Next week the children in Year 1 will be continuing to look at animals and how they are affected by the changes that occur during the day and through the night. They will also explore the roles of people in the community who work through the night.


In Maths this week the children have been exploring the number system and place value by using the 100 number square for various practical activities.
Central Idea:
Numbers can be used in many ways for different purposes in the real world.
Next week the children will continue learning about the number system and place value. They will be exploring the number system further by cutting up 100 number squares in different ways and reconstructing them. They will also be exploring how they can show numbers in different ways using manipulatives.

In English this week we will be continuing our unit based on writing to socialise. The children have been very excited to receive letters back from people in our school who they wrote to last week.

Next week we will continue with this focus by looking at the features of greeting cards. Through shared and guided writing they will then have a go at writing a thank you card. In preparation for inviting our Year 5 Buddies to a Christmas lunch/party, the children will also start to look at what we need to include when we are writing an invitation.



The phonemes for this unit are:

 r  l  d  b  f  h  i  u

Camera Words:  day, of, a, he, today, for

At school, as part of our language rotations all the children read to an adult at least once a week, usually twice.

Golden Book

1F- Casey Mak

Access to UOI Reports – It has come to our attention that some parents ahve not received emails regarding their access to their child’s UOI report.  If this is the case for you, please email derek.mcalpine@esfcentre.edu.hk