16 Jun 2017

Year 6 Update WK 34


  • Tuesday 20th June – dance lessons for dancers (wear/bring appropriate clothing)
  • Monday 26th June – end of year reports go live on The Gateway today
  • Monday 26th June – class swaps day…the rest of the school get to meet their new teacher
  • Tuesday 27th June – Year 6 Production… dress rehearsal for the school
  • Wednesday 28th June – Year 6 Production for Parents, 7pm
  • Thursday 29th June – Year 6 Graduation…children and parents come in to Beacon Hill for graduation ceremony, then teachers to take the children to the Metropark for buffet lunch and disco, children to be collected from Metropark
  • Friday 30th June – End of School Year – 12 noon


  • Wednesday 16th August – first day back for the children for the 2017/18 school year
Our Year 6 Graduation will be held on Thursday 29th June, a letter has been sent home to you. Please fill out the reply slip and enclose a cheque for 300 HKD, made payable to Beacon Hill School.
Boys – suits, shirt and tie (at the very least) or traditional clothing, dress shoes
Girls – party dresses or traditional clothing, party shoes
Personal Hygiene
With warmer weather and the children going through a variety of physical changes, personal hygiene is not an option. Having a small towel and some deodorant in their school bag everyday would be very useful after a sweaty PE lesson or break time.
We have been working tirelessly so that we can give you the best possible production this year. Our children have been very flexible and enthusiastic about the upcoming show and we cannot wait to show it to you next week.
Image result for ALi Baba pizza
A special guest – Lindsay Mcallister O.B.E.
Lindsey was recognised in the New Year’s Honours List 2006 as an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE). She received this in recognition of her commitment to education and for her contribution to UK arts overseas.
Lindsay is a good friend of the school and has been helping out with the production. She has some fantastic ideas and the children are working hard to bring them to life.
Puberty Talks – the talks have continued this week and we have aimed to answer questions that the children may have surrounding the changes they are due to undertake. Please continue to talk to your children and be supportive of the questions and/or concerns they may have.
Golden Book
Here are the winners of Golden Book from last week.
6H – Austin Hui
6D – Ian Lai
6F – Ethan Yuen
Music – Maisy Morgan and Lauren Stanion
SMT – Howard Chung
The house points winning team last week was……….. HAPPINESS.
The cricket and aquathon participants also spoke in assembly to let us know how they got on at the tournaments.

Learner Profile : Courageous, Communicator, Reflective

Attitudescommitment, confidence, independence

Rehearsals are in full swing as you could see in the photos below. Miss Fearn is working hard to get the backdrops ready and we are all getting in to the spirit of pantomime. We will need some audience participation on the night so you better get ready!

For the remainder of the year, all maths lessons will be held in the children’s usual class homerooms.  Most of the maths that will be taking place will all be revision.  Some stand-alone units will be taking place outside of Production time and these topics include finishing off our fractions and decimals unit, probability, location, angles and time.


The students have been reflecting on their lives thus far and creating an autobiography that tells their own personal stories. These texts will be planned over the coming weeks and then written when the production rehearsals are in full swing.

All children need to learn the words to the songs of our Year 6 production – Ali Baba!

The students can also continue working on producing program covers and/or invitation designs to go with our production.  These can be done either electronically or by hand and you can collaborate if you like.  Please send in your designs to Miss Fearn by Tuesday 20th June, 2017. Thanks so much to all the children who have turned them in already.

Thought of the Week….

Image result for teachers open the door

Environmental Tip

Image result for Green tip