3 Mar 2017

Learning Technology Monthly Update #6

Students in Year 1 are continuing to use the laptops to navigate online and move between different websites. Students will working with a variety of creative web apps on the laptops.

Students in Year 2 have been working to create a simple game in Scratch. Students have been making simple programs to control characters and getting the computer to remember data for a score.

Students in Year 3 are completing their musical instrument inventions using Scratch and the Makey Makeys. Students will build an instrument connected to the Makey Makey that controls their instrument program they coded in Scratch. Students will then film their creation using an iPad.

Students in Year 4 have been learning to use CAD software (tinkercad.com) to create 3D models. They have already created a keychain that has been 3D printed and are now working on designing a building as part of a larger city. Each student’s building will be 3D printed before going into the class city. Students will create a Google Drawing showing their design along with information about the 3D shapes they used.

In Year 5 students have just finished composing music using soundtrap and building a music video. We will be continuing with movie making and looking at how to create movies using both the iPads and also the Chromebooks.

As we slowly approach the Y6 Exhibition, students in Year 6 will be focusing on a selection of tools around presentation that they may choose to use during their exhibition. We will look at a different tool each week for the next 8 weeks, if students then wish to use these they can learn further with them as needed.