26 Feb 2016

Learning Technology Monthly Update #6

Students in Year 1 are now logging in with their Beacon Hill accounts and these will start appearing in school diaries soon for you to practice at home. Classes have started accessing sites with this and we will use it for opening things like word processor documents and drawings over the coming weeks. It is great practice to start now with this as these accounts will continue with the students all the way through their time at BHS.


Students in Year 2 have started learning about Google Docs this week and the basics of document editing. We will expand on this over the coming weeks and get them familiar with using it for creating a variety of document types. We will move to looking at working with online images and bringing them into our work.


Students in Year 3 will continue working to create a QR code driven art and photography gallery for their sharing unit. Already students have learned how to add information to a QR code and we will begin creating posters and photography pieces to add to scannable codes.


Students in Year 4 are completing their work with 3D computer aided design and we will be printing their final 3D models using the 3D printer. We will continue to support any required 3D work through the current unit of inquiry and then begin to focus on visual design skills and digital painting using both tablets and computers.


Students in Year 5 are currently split between learning about video editing and creation and an introduction to 3D design so that there are not too many students trying to use the same equipment. Those doing video work will be learning how to transfer video from an iPad to their computer and to make edits and cuts to form a finished movie. For those looking at 3D design they will be learning about creating objects using geometric shapes and also how to ‘carve out’ the inside of a shape to create boxes and moving joints.


Students in Year 6 are currently learning about movie creation and cinematography. We have spent some time looking at ‘cutting on the action’ and will be moving to think about making video more enjoyable to watch and impactful. This is useful in advance of the upcoming Y6 Exhibition as many students will choose to involve video in their presentations.


A big thank you to all parents who attended the information evening this week to learn more about Learning Technology at Beacon Hill School. It was a fun evening with lots of time for a hands on look at many of the tools that the students are learning to use.

Please find below a copy of the presentation slides:

Link to presentation: http://goo.gl/VBYSiJ