27 Nov 2015

Mandarin Monthly Update #4

1H – We have completed the unit “My Family” and are now moving on to “Colours”. At the end of the unit, students should be able to ask and respond to what colours they like/dislike. They should be able to recognise the following characters: 白,红。

Year 2 – A big thank-you to mums who were able to help in the Mandarin classroom! Children had lots of fun listening to stories read to them in Mandarin. In December, students will continue to work with vocabulary and sentences in 第七课 小学生 和 第八课 我去学校。

Year 3 – We have completed the unit “Pinyin” and are now going back to 汉语1.  Students will start to learn words and expressions that are related to “Food and Drinks”. They are encouraged to use Mandarin Matrix on the Beacon for more practice at home.

Year 4 – Students have completed the letter-writing unit. The letters will be mailed or hand-delivered to their family or friends soon. In December, students will develop their descriptive writing skills  by studying 颐和园,天坛,和 凡尔赛宫。

Year 5 – Students will continue to role play stories from 小学华文 2B。They will also be using Quizlet to revise words and phrases which they have learnt in class。Students are reminded to visit Mandarin Matrix and Graded Reading World at home on the Beacon.

Year 6 – Students have been learning about “Countries, Nationalities and Languages”. They will be sharing their learning by creating a google slideshow and presenting it to their class.

1F  We have started the unit – My Family. Children will learn to sing a song about family 家族歌。 At the end of the unit, students should be familiar with the following Chinese characters: 爸爸,妈妈,哥哥,弟弟,姐姐,妹妹,家。

Year 2: We have completed the Body Parts unit and now we are learning to make sentences with simple characters. Such as: 山很高, 太阳很热 etc..

Year 3: We are at the end of learning PIN YIN and we will be learning Chinese Made Easy chapter 3.

Year 4: We are working on  小学华文 2a 种鱼.

Year 5:  We are half way through the weather topic. Children are learning how to describe the weather in different countries.

Year 6: We have finished chapter 3 in 中文6。We have also been studying Chinese composition.

1G:       After learning body parts, we have been learning about family.  Children should be able to recognize家,爸爸,妈妈,哥哥,姐姐,弟弟,妹妹 etc, and introduce their family through a song in Mandarin.

Year 2:  We have been learning about body parts and people description.  The children should be able to read characters like:  眼睛,脸,头发,高 etc, and talk about their own look in a few Mandarin sentences.

Year 3:  We have finished Chapter 6 “我会做的事” (中文2). We have started learning of Chinese 拼音.

Year 4:  We have been learning about zoo animals and pets in Mandarin. Children should be able to name a lot of animals in Mandarin。They should also be able to sing a song of zoo animals and do a role play of visiting a zoo in Mandarin.

Year 5: We have learned the text “普林斯顿的老人”. We have talked about how to expand a piece of writing into a longer and more detailed piece. Children are finishing up their first piece of writing: a story and preparing for oral story telling.

Year 6: We have been learning and revising the topics of “seasons and weather”. Students also practise reading comprehension as well as composition writing.

Getting organised for Mandarin lessons

If your child has been given a Mandarin folder (including textbooks, activity books and exercise books), she/he needs to bring it to every Mandarin lesson.


  • Homework is usually given out on Mondays and due a week later.
  • Some classes will have weekly written homework while other classes may be given oral practice only.
  • The amount of homework varies from class to class. It usually includes reading aloud, copying Chinese characters, writing sentences, class reading books, writing book reports, practise writing for dictations etc.
  • Please let your teacher know if you have trouble completing your homework on time.