28 Apr 2017

Music Monthly Update #8

As part of their Unit of Inquiry, students are learning songs that are related to their sharing.

These include songs about plants growing. They are also performing Old MacDonald on tuned percussion instruments.

Students will be increasing their repertoire of songs and using tuned and un-tuned percussion instruments to accompany performances.

We will also be examining the way we can notate musical ideas such as pitch and rhythm.

Students are exploring musical accompaniments.

Using classroom instruments they are composing short pieces exploring the timbres of the different instruments, as well as their voice.

Students are continuing to learn new music and songs on the ukulele.

They are also developing their technique and their repertoire of chords in preparation for their performance at the Summer Concert.

Drawing on their knowledge of musical conventions that composers use in their compositions, such as major minor tonality, sequences, drones and ornamentation, the students are devising their own variations on well known tunes.


Students are learning songs in preparation for their Exhibition in May.

They will also start work on the music for their Yr 6 Production.

Summer Concert

Orchestra has already started rehearsing for our Summer Concert on Thursday 25th May.

The Ukulele Group, Chamber Choir and the BHS Community Choir will also be performing.


Chamber Choir

Official photos from the ESF Choral Concert can be found HERE.

Ukulele Club

Photos from the Easter Concert can be found HERE.