25 May 2018

PE Monthly Update #9

Unit 6 Games – Handball

The Year Ones have started their new unit on handball. They will use the skills learnt in their first unit of the year, throwing and catching, when playing modified handball games. The unit will cover the basics of how to defend and attack.


Thanks to the parents who have volunteered to help this term. In May we have focussed on balancing, ball skills, forward rolls, aiming and creating gymnastics sequences.

Unit 6 Games – Football 

The Year Twos have just started a new games unit on football. During this unit they will learn the basic skills of defending and attacking and they will use these skills when playing modified games of football.


Thanks to the parents who have volunteered to help this term. In May we have focussed on balancing, ball skills, forward rolls, aiming and creating gymnastics sequences.

 Unit  6 Games

The Year 3s have started a new unit based around playground games. The focus will be on using the skills learnt in other games and how they can be transferred into various sports and games.

Unit 6 Movement Composition – Dance

With their class teachers, the Year 3s have started a new unit on dance. They will create their own dance moves individually, in pairs and in in groups. They will look how expression is important when performing a dance.


Unit 6 Health Related Fitness

The Year Fours have started a unit on health related fitness. This unit is linked to their class unit on digital technology. The focus will be on how digital technology can help us (and hinder us) improve our fitness.

 Unit 6 – Individual Pursuits -swimming

With their class teachers and coaches from ESF they will start their swimming programme in June. We are still waiting for some parental permission slips and for your child’s swimming ability information. Please return it by next week.  Please read the letter carefully and make sure all the items that are needed are packed the night before. The lessons will focus on stroke development.

Unit 6 Individual Pursuits – Athletics

The Year 5s have started a unit focussing on athletics and eergy. They will look at anaerobic and aerobic energy and how it can be used when running, jumping and throwing.

Unit 6 – Individual Pursuits -swimming

With their class teachers and coaches from ESF they will start their swimming programme in June. Please read the letter carefully and make sure all the items that are needed are packed the night before. The lessons will focus on stroke development.

Unit 6 Invasion Games

In this unit the focus will be on sports. They will play a variety of sports that they have learnt during their six years of Beacon Hill. There will be a focus on leadership and team work.

Unit 6 Movement Composition – Dance

With their class teachers they will be looking at how dance can be a part of a production. They will look at choreography and how to to tell a story through dance.


This section of the P.E. Monthly Update is for parents and students to share any sporting successes and celebrations that have happened outside of school teams and sports. Please send to timothy.teahan@bhs.edu.hk any photos (with a short description) of your child’s sporting achievements. Thanks.