28 Sep 2018

Year 1 Update – Week 6

Monday 1st October:  School closed for the Public holiday

Tuesday 9th October: Parent Teacher Consultations

Thursday 11th October:  Parent Teacher Consultations

Friday 12th October:  Last day of school before the half term holiday.

At BHS the children learn through practical, hands-on and real life experiences. During our Explore, Play, Learn sessions, the children have been exploring our Unit Of Inquiry further by engaging in play and hands-on activities inspired by their own interests. It has been so pleasing to see the way in which the children are already able to communicate with their peers with more confidence, are finding ways to solve problems when they are playing and are learning how to share, take turns and negotiate roles within their play.


The central idea for this unit is:  We connect with each other to create learning communities
The lines of inquiry for this unit are:
  • How we can get to know each other and ourselves (Connection)
  • Different types of learning and play (Form)
  • How to make our classroom a place for successful for learning (Function)

This week the children enjoyed sharing their home learning with their peers. We were pleased with the way in which they were able to talk confidently about the communities they belong to. Next week, through practical activities, learning walks and group discussions, the children will continue to explore the concept of a learning community. They will be inquiring into what learning means to them and the different ways in which they learn.

Here are some photos of communities that the children built during UOI rotations.


Hot Lunches
Many of the Year One children are enjoying the hot lunches provided by DCK. Please make sure when you are ordering the lunches each month that you have a discussion with your child about what they would like to eat and that they are involved in the process of choosing their lunches. By doing this you can avoid any upsets at lunchtime and it also ensures that your child will eat what has been chosen.
Please note that DCK will not accept any lunch orders after the specified deadlines and that the form provided in the home-school diary must be used to make any lunch orders.
Naming Uniform
Please ensure that all school uniform is clearly labelled with your child’s name and class. We are still finding a lot of new uniform in our lost and found box that has not been named. Just this week, we had two pairs of shoes that had been mixed up after a lunchtime activity. If they had been named we would have been able to return the shoes to their rightful owners without upset and tears. Please help us with this. Thank you.

maths Next week we will begin a unit on addition and subtraction.

The focus for this unit will be for the children to be able to:

Recall addition facts for single-digit numbers and related subtraction facts

Solve simple addition and subtraction problems using concrete material (manipulatives)

Solve simple addition and subtraction problems using strategies including part/whole

Recognise patterns in the number system

In maths lessons this week, the children have had the opportunity to try out their problem-solving skills by engaging in a real-life problem based on addition and adding numbers together to make a total of 10. Problem-solving skills are a key part of our maths curriculum and are important in allowing the children to apply the maths knowledge they have to real-life situations.

Next week, the children will inquire into number bonds to 10 by engaging in a range of addition learning experiences such as adding the numbers on dominoes, exploring different ways of making 10 using spots on a ladybird and using Numicon to make a total of 10.


Please help the children to complete the Mathletics tasks that have been assigned to your child. The children can also enjoy Maths Live and play other children live across the world.

Our phonemes for this unit are:
s m a c t g p o
Our camera words for this unit are:
she, to, are, I, the, was
This week for English the children continued to focus on the reading comprehension strategy of making connections.  The children practised making connections in their reading and used the language of:
This reminds me of…..
I remember when….
I made a connection…..
Next week, the children will start to think about the differences between fiction and non-fiction books and will continue to make connections using a range of texts.
In Writer’s Workshop, the children will continue with the idea of using writing to create labels by naming parts of books.  They might use labels such as fiction, non-fiction, picture, writing, characters etc.

Due to the public holiday there was no Golden Book assembly on Monday.  The next Golden Book assembly will be on Monday 8th October 2018.

Snakes and Ladders

Over the past few weeks we have been learning about the concept of place value and have been using the 100 number square to count forwards and backwards and locate numbers. A great way to help your child to develop their counting skills and recognition of numbers to 100 is by playing snakes and ladders. In addition to enhancing their maths skills, this game is also great for practising turn taking.

We would love to see photographs of you and your child enjoying playing snakes and ladders at home.