15 Jun 2018

Year 4 Update – Wk 34


Wednesday 20th, 27th June – Year 4 Swimming (see below for more information) … Fingers crossed!

Monday 25th June – End of year reports available (via Gateway)

Friday 29th June – Term 3 ends at 12pm

Wednesday 15th August – First day back

Home Reading and Library Borrowing

Borrowing of home reading books has ended for the year.  This is to allow the EAs to sort the books into colour bands, pack them up if needed and for Mrs Lowe to do a stock take. If you find any lost books at home, please return them as soon as possible. Instead of taking home a book to read, please encourage your child to read from their comprehension age level on Big Universe.

Also, a reminder that this is the last week for library borrowing for everyone and all books need to be returned next week. As Mrs Lowe will be stock taking home readers next week, please can we ask that the children make an extra special effort during Learning Centre times to check that all the books they return are done so properly.
Mosquitoes Be Gone!
Just to let you know that pest controllers will be in the school on Saturday 16th June to treat the open areas in case of mosquitoes.


We all hope swimming will go ahead next Wednesday and the week after. Here are the times:

Class Depart BHS Return BHS
4L 8:40 10:45
4F 9:30 11:45
4W 10:30 12:45
Please note that 4L will be leaving at 8:30a.m. As such, 4L children MUST wear a swimsuit under their PE kit (no bikinis for girls, please). 4L children must remember to bring their underwear.
ALL Year 4 Children Must Bring
  • swimming cap (a requirement of the pool)
  • goggles
  • towel
  • flip flops or croc-style shoes to wear in the swimming pool area
  • $5 coin for the locker
B.H.S. Hats 
The Year 4 teachers have noticed that many of the children are coming to school without their caps. With the very hot weather warnings and strong sun, hats are a MUST!
Students are not able to participate in P.E. lessons or make full use of the playground if they are not wearing a hat. Please make sure that if your child has a hat and if not, buy a replacement from the P.T.A. office. Don’t forget to add your child’s name!
Ukuleles have been returned to Mr. Gibson by most children. If your child has not done so yet, please send the ukulele into school a.s.a.p.


The children are continuing with their bag making and some have almost finished. They are excited to be sharing them with the Year 3s in the last week of term. Mrs Blair has been dropping in to offer valuable advice and support. The children really welcome the benefit of her expertise.








Image result for brain creative

How We Express Ourselves

Central Idea

Technology Changes and Challenges the way we Express Ourselves

Lines of Inquiry

An inquiry into…

  • Creativity through technology (function)
  • The growth of technology and its impacts (change)
  • Using technology responsibly (responsibility)

Next week, students will continue to work with Mr Lowe on their micro:bit technology. They will be testing their bags to check that the code they have created for the micro:bits runs smoothly.

Students will also continue to learn about ways to use technology responsibly through their Digital Passport accounts.

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After our end of year assessments, we have found that many of the children are still very unsure of how to tackle division and multiplication problems. This is particularly true when they are presented with a word problem or have to work with remainders. We will therefore spend next week reviewing this with them.

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Comprehension Strategy: Review
The children are developing their ability to write in order to socialise by beginning a letter to their future Year 5 teacher. Of course, they don’t know who this is yet, but they will begin by thinking of the things they wished their new teacher knew and sharing those with them.
The children will continue to practise the whole range of reading strategies by reading a text of their choice and using their reading logs to note down their responses.

Congratulations to this week’s Golden Book winners!
4F – Tin Hang
4L – Chee Cheung and Coen Li
4W – Arthur Wong
Mandarin – Rei Kitamura
Information Technology – Coen Li
OPTIONAL Year 4 Home Learning – 14th June 2018
  • Now that we’ve taught you all for almost a whole year, we feel as though we know you pretty well. but do we…?
  • Do you have an amazing talent that you could share with us?
  • It could be anything (that is appropriate for Year 4 students, of course!)… swimming, painting, yoga, spelling, singing, playing a musical instrument, gymnastics, soccer, meditation, dancing, telling joke, sketching, making movies, calligraphy, coding, writing, cricket, ice-skating, acting… the list goes on and on.
  • Decide how you will share your talent… video, photos, live performance, poster, presentation, artwork, etc.

We can’t wait for you to reveal your talent!

Due date: Now until 28th June 



The children have a list of words they need to learn. They should practise these at home in preparation for “buddy spelling tests” (the children testing each other) in class next week.
Please continue reading at home by reading at the appropriate comprehension level on Big Universe. 
  • Home reading should be fun not a chore.
  • Keep the timing short, find a comfy, quiet space and have a chat about what your child is reading. This really helps to develop their comprehension skills.
  • There is information about comprehension at the beginning of the journal, which you can use to help guide your discussion with your child. Please also refer to information your class teacher has sent out to you about how to help your child at home. 

All children should aim to spend 30 minutes per week completing their assigned Mathletics tasks and/or practising their times tables.

Mandarin (All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.)

Ms Lynn (Home learning) – Please check your google classroom for details.

Ms Xu – 记得借书读书,写读书报告,完成课堂未完成的功课。完成google classroom 未完成的功课。