8 Sep 2017

Year 4 Update – Wk 4


Friday 8th September – BHS CPD Day – School Closed

Friday 15th September – PTA Bowling Night

Friday 22nd September – Y4 Sharing Day: 9:00am (see below)

Tuesday 26th September – Parent Teacher Consultations

Thursday 28th September – Parent Teacher Consultations

Friday 29th September – BHS Colours Day

Friday 29th September – Half Term begins

Monday 9th October – First day back

Tuesday 10th October – Year 4 Camp Information Evening (more details to follow)

Start of School Arrangements
Please note that students should not arrive at school before 8.30am. Teachers are on duty from 8.30am. Any child who arrives early cannot be supervised.
School Book Bags
Your child needs a named book bag in school to carry their reading books to and from school, this is for both home readers and library books. This means that children will need to remember their book bag everyday, it should contain their orange zip bag (school diary, spelling journal, reading book and reading journal) and on library days, library books.  The reading journal is an important part of the communication between you and your child’s teacher, please remember to add a positive comment when you have read with your child.  
Healthy Living at BHS
We promote healthy living at BHS and therefore children should only bring water to school. Please do not send milk drinks, sugary drinks or any other kind of drink. We have water fountains and taps where students can refill their (BHS) water bottles throughout the day.

Y4 Teacher Contact Information

4F – Mrs Fennelly – charlotte.fennelly@bhs.edu.hk 
4L – Miss Fisher – laura.fisher@bhs.edu.hk
4W – Miss Wu – jane.wu@bhs.edu.hk
Year 4 Learning Support Teacher – Ms Mak – haymen.mak@bhs.edu.hk
Vice Principal – Mr Thompson – andy.thompson@bhs.edu.hk
Year 4 Sharing Day
This is an opportunity for the children to share their learning from our first unit of inquiry with you all. We kindly request that every child has at least one parent in attendance.
The event will take place on Friday 22nd of September and will begin at 9:00am in the school hall. 
This week the children are learning that the same beliefs or values could influence individuals in different ways, which is why they could display different behaviours despite sharing the same belief or value. This was particularly highlighted in the drama lessons this week when the children had a go at making tableaus (freeze frames) to show a belief or value they shared with their classmates.
The children are becoming more and more comfortable working with 5 digit numbers as they continue to practise comparing, renaming and rounding them.
The children have really enjoyed visualising haiku poems this week, as they worked on creating pictures in their minds to help them understand what they were reading. They investigated the structure and characteristics of haiku poems and had a go at creating their own. The children have also started the discussions of monitoring their own reading, taking notice when they get stuck or become unmotivated and brainstorming ways to get themselves ‘un-stuck’.
Student Council
Every year, students vote for a peer to represent their class to join discussions with Mr Thompson in working towards making the school a better place as well act as the communication link between the students and the school. Check this space for the new Year 4 student council members!
Well done to the (many!) 4W-ers who ran for the role!

Who We Are: Our beliefs and values can influence our attitudes and behaviour

Lines of Inquiry 
An inquiry into:

  •  Our beliefs (FORM)
  •  Where our values come from (CONNECTION)
  •  Differing behaviours and attitudes (PERSPECTIVE)

Next week the children will be working on some speeches to complement their drama tableaus in order to demonstrate the understanding of where their values come from and how their behaviours and attitudes may differ even when they share the same belief or value.

Image result for maths clipart

Measurement: Area and Perimeter

Central Idea

Events have attributes that can be measured using appropriate tools.

Lines of Inquiry

An inquiry into:

  • The selection and correct use of standard units

Next week the children will be having a go at open-ended, rich tasks on area and perimeter. 

Image result for writers workshop graphic
Purpose: Writing to entertain
Next week the children will be inquiring into calligrams and shape poems.
Comprehension Strategies
Visualising: Readers create pictures in their heads.
Self Monitoring: Readers know it is their job to make sense of texts.
Next week the children will continue to practise picking books that are just right for them to read as well as making note of their fix-up strategies for when they get stuck in reading.

Congratulations to this week’s Golden Book certificate winners! 
4F – Edward Mauvielle
4L – Jasmine Maruli
4W – Chloe Schroeder
P.E. – Joseph Chan
The children have a list of words they need to learn. They should practise these at home in preparation for “buddy spelling tests” (the children testing each other) in class next week.
The children have been given their Home Reading Journals and are expected to read for 20 minutes per day at their given comprehension age. Children will record the title of their book in their journal. Please discuss your child’s reading and leave a comment in the journal so that they can change their book.
To support their reading development, please make sure of the following:
  • Home reading should be fun not a chore.
  • Keep the timing short, find a comfy, quiet space and have a chat about what your child is reading. This really helps to develop their comprehension skills.
  • There is information about comprehension at the beginning of the journal, which you can use to help guide your discussion with your child. Please also refer to information your class teacher has sent out to you about how to help your child at home. 

All children should aim to spend 30 minutes per week completing their assigned Mathletics tasks and/or practising their times tables.

Mandarin (All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.)

Ms Lynn (Home learning #1) – Please check your google classroom for details.

Ms Xu – 朗读学过的课文,会认读和运用课文里的词语,记得有时间,读中文书,写读书报告。