20 Jan 2017

Year 1 Update – Wk 19


Tuesday 14th February – Discovery Dome details to follow.  (no parent helpers are needed for this)
3rd March- Student Led Conferences 


After the busy and exciting CNY holidays some of the children have seemed very tired this week. Please make sure that they are getting back into normal routines at home and are getting enough sleep each night. It is recommended by the Sleep Foundation in the U.S thAT Children of Year One age should be getting between 9 – 11 hours of sleep a night.

100 Days of School

Next Monday the Year One children will be celebrating 100 Days of School. To mark this occasion the children will be experiencing different learning engagements linked to the number 100. On Monday we would like the children to bring in a ziplock bag of 100 small items. We have discussed this with the children in class and there was a message in the Home-School Diary before Chinese New Year. Examples of items could include, sequins, stickers, pasta,





We are continuing to run two units alongside each other.
Who We are in Place and Time

Central Idea: Exploring artefacts helps our understanding of people’s histories.

This week the children have been carrying out a group inquiry into an area of history that they are interested in. The topics the children have chosen range from transport through the ages, schools, old toys, how writing has changed throughout history and the Stone Age. They have been exploring how things have changed over time and why they think these changes have taken place. Next week we will be creating a class museum and the children will be making an artefact that will show what they have learnt. They will be expected to create the artefact and talk about the changes that have happened to this item and why.

This week Ms Jeves has been teaching Information Literacy skills with all of the Year One classes. She has been focusing on questioning and has helped the children to generate and categorise questions about historical artefacts. Next week she will continue this work by…..

Central Idea: Numbers can be used in many ways for different purposes in the real world
This week we continued with our unit on place value and the number system.  We focused on the value of numbers.  The children have had experience using a range of different manipulatives to make number up to 100 and beyond. They have been focusing on partitioning and renaming numbers.
Please continue to encourage your child to complete the place value activities on Mathletics.
Next week we will be starting a two week unit on Pattern and Function.


This week we have introduced our Set 4 phonemes:   ll, ff, ss, zz

Camera Words:


The Set 4 bookmark will be coming home next week so please continue to support our work in school by playing the suggested games at home.

1F- Aya Yeung

1W – Anaya Bilani

1L – Sharon Gurung