15 Jan 2016

Year 1 Update – Wk 19

Monday 18th January – History Museum Trip

This week the children have been busy getting started with their new Unit of Inquiry about what artefacts can tell us about people’s histories. Some of the children have brought in artefacts from home to represent their own personal history and we will be using these for discussion in the coming weeks. If you have any old toys, books or household objects from the past that we could borrow for our unit please let us know.

Our Mystery Storyteller this week was Grace Yuen and she shared a wonderful story book that she had made herself. The children loved listening to her tell the story and were keen to ask her questions about how she made her book. It was a lovely way to end the week.Thank you Grace!


Thank you to all the parents who have volunteered to help with our Year 1 trip to the History Museum on Monday. The class teachers have been in touch with the parents who will be coming with us and if those parents could arrive at school at 10.45 am on Monday that would be great.

If you still have reply slips for our “Room on the Broom” theatre trip or Dim Sum Lunch trip please return these as soon as possible to your child’s class teacher.

Where we are in Place and Time

Central Idea: Exploring artefacts helps our understanding of people’s history

This week the children have been “Tuning In” to our unit based on artefacts and what they tell us about the past. They have been exploring what the words history and artefact mean and have been drawing pictures to show their understanding of history.We are all looking forward to our History Museum trip on Monday where the children will be exploring the exhibits linked to the history of Hong Kong. The children will be encouraged to observe and think about the artefacts they see and make some conclusions about what they tell us about the history of Hong Kong. Please take the time to have a chat with your child about what they saw and what they learnt from the trip.


Central Idea: The base 10 place value system is used to represent numbers and number relationships

This week the children have continued with their work on place value and have been using the Dienes Blocks and other types of Maths equipment to show their understanding of hundreds, tens and units. Next week we will carry on with this focus and the children will be creating place value butterflies and having a go at creating the initials of their names using Dienes Blocks and working out how many tens and ones they have used.


The writing focus of our new unit will be recount writing. The children will be looking into the features that make a good recount and the children will be reading recounts and verbally recounting as well as starting to write our own recounts. Next week the children will be using their trip to the History Museum as a stimulus for their recount writing.
Next week we will be introducing a new set of phonemes:
ll   ff   ss  zz
Camera Words :
you  play  this  come  my  have 
Please refer to the book mark that we will be sending home next week. This will give you some ideas of activities and games that you can play with your child.

We have noticed that many of the children in Year 1 have been very tired this week. Please help your child to readjust to being back at school by making sure that they are getting enough rest and sleep. Thank you.