29 Jan 2016

Year 1 Update – Wk 21

SAM_4870 Tuesday 2nd  February – Dim Sum Lunch with parents & CNY Flower Market trip

Friday 5th February  China Day – children should dress in their Chinese clothing or red/gold clothing. They will take part in a range of activities to commemorate the new year and watch the special CNY assembly (for students only). Please note this will also incorporate a lion dance.

Another fantastic week in Year 1! The children have been continuing to find out about some of the different artefacts that we have been sharing between the classrooms, including old sewing machines, telephones, clothes washing equipment and old fashioned blackboards. The children have also enjoyed reading the books we have in school from many different eras and from around the world that share stories and information. Please take the time to find out what has interested your child and ask them what they would like to know more about, maybe you will learn about something new together and promote life long learning.

SAM_4871Next Friday will be China Day. The children will get to watch the older children perform Chinese dances and songs and also a ‘Lion Dance’ which is shown every year. Through the day the children will get to try different activities in groups with children from all the year groups, including a race event outside with Mr Teahan. All the activities are China related and may involve a tea ceremony, calligraphy, bookmark making or many more. It is a very popular day and we hope your child enjoys their first event.

As there will not be a weekly update next week, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy Chinese New Year!

Where we are in Place and Time

Central Idea: Exploring artefacts helps our understanding of people’s history

We will be continuing this unit next week. Many of the children will be looking a little into their own inquiry, focusing on an artefact that they are particularly interested in. It may be something that seems recent to you, such as VHS and DVD or something from when people lived in caves. Maybe you could discuss this more at home, or you may have an artefact at home you would like to share.


Central Idea:The base 10 place value system is used to represent numbers and number relationships

This Wednesday the children will have enjoyed 100 days at school. This ties in very well with our focus on the base 10 place value system and at school we will be looking into the meaning of 100 and how 10 groups of 10 is equal to 100. The children are becoming very familiar with showing their understanding of base 10 with different maths equipment at school, but of course they could use anything at home to show how to find out about tens and ones. Maybe at home you could group toys cars or pencils (or anything) to show how many you have in tens and how many ones (if you use the term unit then let them know this is also called ones).

This week in Year One we will be continuing to learn about writing recounts as well as our other forms of writing. After our day out on Tuesday the children will have the opportunity to write a recount about what they did. The children are encouraged to: think; say; write and; check each sentence that they write so that they try to write an informative cohesive sentence. It would be very beneficial if they already had the opportunity to think and say what they would like to write about in a conversation before hand. Of course we will do this at school, but it would also be helpful for them to practise this at home with someone who went with them. We are sure together you could come up with some interesting details to include.
Please note that we hear all the children read twice every week in our guided reading slots, usually once with the teacher and once with our class EA. Next week however, as we will only in the classroom for three days, the children will be heard once or twice in their lessons.
Our new phonemes
ll   ff   ss  zz
Camera Words :
you  play  this  come  my  have 
Well done if you have already started to learn how to segment and blend words with our new sounds. A new bookmark will be coming home soon.

Thank you for making sure the children are all wrapped up warm to get to school. Please note that the classrooms are all heated and the children do not need under-layers to keep warm inside, only outer layers for when they are playing outside and on their journey to school. Some of the children get very hot and maybe sweaty if they are doing sports but are not able to easily remove and add the under layers. Also, please make sure that the children only come to school with jackets they can put on and take off by themselves. If your child can not take off or put on their jacket at home, this should be practised at home.

Thank you so much for all the artefacts we have received so far, all artefacts are still very welcome. If you or a relative would like to come to school to share your childhood stories of living in Hong Kong or abroad then we would be eager to hear you.