13 Jan 2017

Year 5 Update Wk 18

  • Thursday 26th January – China Day at BHS and last day before Chinese New Year
  • Friday 27th Jan – Mon 6th Feb – Chinese New Year Break
  • Thursday 16th February – Year 3 / 4 / 5 /6 Sports Day
  • Tuesday 28th February- Y5 Pizza lunch
  • Thursday 9th March – UOI Market Day
  • Friday 31st March – end of Term 2, 12pm finish
Marie Marchand parenting workshop
Wednesday 8th February : 6.30pm
This is a really great opportunity to attend this workshop- full details can be found in the weekly newsletter. This workshop provides an opportunity for all parents to enhance their parenting skills but is particularly aimed at supporting year 5/6 parents dealing with their children approaching the pre- teen years.
Please reply to show interest by filling in the following form.

We have continued to work hard throughout our second week back now that we are well into our third unit of inquiry. Over the last few weeks we have been exposed to a variety of texts from the library, magazines, booklets and info graphics which have helped us to begin thinking about our group displays. Some children used the idea of ‘connect, extend, challenge’ to identify an area of interest within Water which has really got them thinking, others have enjoyed the chance to investigate texts further.

It was interesting to experiment with different water filters using soil, plants, leaves and stones to see which would clean the water best. We made predictions and discussed our findings- maybe you could extend this investigation at home as part of homework and test other filter materials?

Year 5 also enjoyed the opportunity to estimate and measure the capacity of a variety of containers using water, sand or rice. This was a fun active maths session which helped us to understand the concept of measure using millilitres and litres.


Central Idea:

People’s actions can impact our water resources

Lines of Inquiry:

How water changes (change)

Responsibilities regarding water (responsibility)

Distribution, availability of, and access to, usable water (connection)

Next week, we will continue to research, summarise and synthesise the information we have gathered and begin to make decisions on how to present the information as part of our display. We will put our knowledge of Zap codes and info graphics to good use and apply these to our presentations as well as thinking about design, shape, colour and lines.


Year 5 have started thinking about how to represent facts as a graphic or icon in information literacy in preparation for creating their own infographic. In their groups they will transfer these skills and apply them to their presentations demonstrating how to represent information in a clear and original way.

The children will also start writing their own information report using the criteria and structure we have been discussing over the last couple of weeks. Remember to think about the examples you have read in class as well as  the joint and fast write examples you have created together.

5Y- Brandon Chu- for always having a positive attitude and contributing to class discussion

5M- Pak Yui- for applying his maths strategies to problem solve

5P- Yuzumi, Ludwig & Sharna- for making a great start to our number maths unit




Please continue to use the concept cartoon relating to our current UOI. You have two weeks left to explore, discuss and try out some of the ideas and questions it raises.

We suggest that children talk through the ideas with you and record any wonderings, questions or links to their school work. Children are then encouraged to explore the ideas further.

For example they may want to plan and carry out a similar experiment, conduct some research, create a media presentation / scratch game / cartoon to show their own thoughts and responses.

We would love to see the work done by students and are looking forward to the wide range of possibilities open to them.

Important Reminder – School Snacks and Lunches

At Beacon Hill School have a number of children who are allergic to nuts.  When preparing snacks and lunches for your children please avoid using nut products like Nutella and peanut butter.  We thank you for your cooperation.

In preparation for Unit 4- Big Business we are looking for parent helpers to supervise the Year 5 trip to Sham Shui Po where you will be given a group to support. At present, we do not have the date yet, however if you are interested in helping please email your child’s class teacher. Additionally we are looking for any business volunteers to come and speak to the children about the factors/ skills required to run a successful business- if you are interested please let us know!