29 Apr 2016

Learning Technology Monthly Update #7

Students in year 1 have been learning some more advanced tools for coding/instructions using scratch on the computers. They will be continuing this to build simple programs such as a drawing app, movement of a character and a sound board. Students in Year 1 are encouraged to practice logging in to The Beacon and we will be continuing doing this at various points during the coming weeks.

Students in Year 2 have been learning how to use Scratch to control objects on the screen through a sequence of instructions. This will move towards building a story scene with interactive elements that play recorded sounds. Students will start logging in to Scratch to be able to save their work.

Students in Year 3 will spend one more week using the Makey Makey devices to test the musical instrument programs they have created. We will then move on to looking at tools for collecting and analysing data using their Google Apps accounts.

In Year 4 students have begun to use some media creation tools such as WeVideo, Powtoon, Screencastify and Canva on their Chromebooks. We will move to using some iPad apps for video producing and editing to learn quick ways to present their learning through film.

Most students in Year 5 are now completing their work with 3D CAD software and we will be 3D printing their designs. The classes are slightly staggered for resource reasons so 5A will be working on video and media editing while 5P and 5Y will be creating posters to explain and illustrate their 3D models before looking at an online Lego creation tool.

Students in Year 6 are very involved with their PYP exhibition currently and some lessons will be spent supporting their needs with technology as the exhibition day approaches. As students complete this we will be starting a robot programming activity and challenge with them.

 As always students are encouraged to practice logging into their accounts from home to help them remember the process as well as learning their usernames and passwords.
Please see below some photos from Y3 this week where the students were creating musical instruments using the MakeyMakey devices.

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