30 Oct 2015

Mandarin Monthly Update #3

1H – We have started the unit – My Family. Children will learn to sing a song about family 我的家里 and be able to talk about their family using phrases such as 我的爸爸 and 我没有哥哥. At the end of the unit, students should be familiar with the following Chinese characters: 爸爸,妈妈,哥哥,弟弟,姐姐,妹妹,家。

Year 2 – Students will be learning to read and write Chinese characters that are related to weather, seasons, farm animals and colours.

Year 3 – For the next three weeks, students will focus on learning basic Chinese pronunciation using Pinyin. Students are encouraged to visit the Mandarin page on the Beacon for more practice at home.

Year 4 – Students will be learning the parts of a letter such as heading, salutation, closing, signature, and so on. Once students are familiar with the format of a letter, they will be required to write their own letter to a family member or a friend.

Year 5 – Students will be learning 猫和老鼠,小壁虎借尾巴,借生日和好孩子。Students will learn how to use 越。。。越。。。and 怎么 in sentences.

Year 6 – Students will be learning vocabulary and sentences that are related to countries, nationalities and languages.

1F  We have started the unit – My Family. Children will learn to sing a song about family 家族歌。 At the end of the unit, students should be familiar with the following Chinese characters: 爸爸,妈妈,哥哥,弟弟,姐姐,妹妹,家。

Year 2: We have completed the Body Parts unit and now we are learning to make sentences with simple characters. Such as: 山很高, 太阳很热 etc..

Year 3: We are at the end of learning PIN YIN and we will be learning Chinese Made Easy chapter 3.

Year 4: We are working on  小学华文 2a 种鱼.

Year 5:  We are half way through the weather topic. Children are learning how to describe the weather in different countries.

Year 6: We have finished chapter 3 in 中文6。We have also been studying Chinese composition.

1G:       We have been learning about animals.  Children should be able to name some animals, sing some songs in Mandarin and read characters like: 狗,猫,兔 etc. We have also practised writing Chinese characters in correct stroke order.

Year 2:  We have finished the topic of “Being Polite”.  Students have practised using “Being Polite” expressions like 谢谢,不用谢;对不起,没关系 etc in a role play in Mandarin.  They should be able to read characters like:  请进,请坐,请吃水果,请喝水 etc. We also practised writing Chinese characters in correct stroke order.

Year 3:  We have started Chapter 5 “买东西” (中文2). We also do a lot of oral practice as well as Chinese character recognition and sentence writing.

Year 4:  We have been learning about the Chinese zodiac animals in Mandarin. Children should be able to recognise most of the 12 characters: 鼠,牛,虎,兔,龙,蛇,马,羊,猴,鸡,狗,猪。They should also be able to sing a song of the zodiac and tell about their own zodiac animal signs in Mandarin.

Year 5: We have finished learning “曹冲称象” and “小于连的故事“。 We have started practising story writing.

Year 6: We have been learning and revising the topics of “My Home”, including different rooms and furniture at home. Students also practise reading comprehension as well as composition writing.

Getting organised for Mandarin lessons

If your child has been given a Mandarin folder (including textbooks, activity books and exercise books), she/he needs to bring it to every Mandarin lesson.


  • Homework is usually given out on Mondays and due a week later.
  • Some classes will have weekly written homework while other classes may be given oral practice only.
  • The amount of homework varies from class to class. It usually includes reading aloud, copying Chinese characters, writing sentences, class reading books, writing book reports, practise writing for dictations etc.
  • Please let your teacher know if you have trouble completing your homework on time.

Mandarin Consultations

There will be Mandarin Consultations for Year 2-6 on 10th, 12th , 16th and 18th November.  Please check your appointments times.