18 Aug 2017

Year 5 Update Wk 1



We have had a fantastic few days getting to know our new classes. Students have enjoyed participating in a number of activities allowing them to get to know their new teachers as well as forming new relationships and friendships with their classmates. We have been working hard to establish new classroom routines, encouraging children to be independent.

Students in 5C learned the Scottish dance The Military Two Step in PE. We will gradually build up to performing dances in sets, culminating in a series of dances at the end of the unit.



Central Idea:

Artists can use a process to express messages and ideas

Lines of Inquiry:

  1. The tools and techniques artists use (form)
  2. How messages are interpreted and conveyed (perspective)
  3. How art influences others (reflection)
Perspective Reflection Form
We will understand that artists draw on different experiences and thoughts when creating their work. We will understand that artists use a range and mix of artistic elements to express their ideas. We will understand that there are different elements of art which work together to create a work of art.
Over the last few days we have introduced children to the unit of inquiry central idea. In doing so we have considered the lines of inquiry and key concepts. Children enjoyed hearing the story ‘The Dot’ and from this they were able to demonstrate creativity and artistic flare in their own pieces of art. Students were asked to consider what message they wanted to be taken from their piece and were encouraged to be reflective whilst viewing their peers pieces of work.
 This week, students have completed a place value assessment ahead of number math starting next week. Next week we will focus on reading and writing numbers up to 7 digits. This will develop pupils’ understanding of how the placing of number affects its value and what these look like, as well as rounding larger numbers. In strand maths our focus will be on Shape and Space, where students will create and identify the properties of  2D shapes.
We have discussed our holidays and shared our highlights. In doing so, students have been encouraged to demonstrate good listening skills. Students have also brainstormed what would make a successful written recount before settling down to write their own. Next week classes will focus on using the five senses to develop their descriptive writing.  Some children will have already brought home reading journals and home readers and others will receive these shortly. Next week the learning centre will reopen and students will be able to borrow books. We are working on administering spelling tests so we can assess where children are prior to any spelling work coming home.


Due to the short week we have no Golden Book this week.



Please continue to read regularly at home.



As the weather is extremely hot, please ensure your child has their cap in school everyday for outside play and PE.

The camp meeting due to be held on the 11th of September has been cancelled for Year 5 and will now take place on the 5th of September. Please note that that the Year 3 camp meeting will go ahead on the 11th as planned.  

As part of our unit ‘How we express ourselves’ we will be going to Hong Kong Park on Tuesday the 7th of September, weather permitting. The children will be exploring the park, gardens and museums for different examples of artwork and artistic techniques. We will be looking for parent volunteers to support this trip and if you are able to help please email your child’s teacher and let them know. 

Part of our unit of inquiry involves conducting artist studies. As part of one of these studies we will be doing some sculpting out of soap. In order to do these we would like to request your child brings in their own bar of soap.