20 Apr 2018

Year 6 Update WK 26



 to remember!



Monday 23rd April – PYP Evalaution

Tuesday 24th April – PYP Evaluation

Wednesday 25th April – PYP Evaluation

Friday 27th April – Celebration of dance at WIS

Tuesday 1st May – No School, Labour Day

Wednesday 16th May – Exhibition to parents

Thursday 17th May – Exhibition to school and community

Friday 18th May – Bugsy Malone Auditions

Thursday 24th May – Summer music concert

Monday 28th May – InCAS

Tuesday 30th May – InCAS

Thursday 31st May – InCAS


Scholastic International Book Club
Don’t forget to visit our unique BHS Scholastic website to browse and order from a great selection of well-known and good quality children’s books!
20% of everything you spend is ‘rewarded’ to the school to be spent on new books to support students’ learning.
Order deadline: Monday 23rd April
Questions you can ask your child instead of ‘How was your day?”
Often when we ask children ”How was your day?”, we are given the answer ”good” or ”fine”.  More than just finding out how their day was, we want to help children become problems solvers and independent learners. Good conversations help them see that we care about their lives, we are there to support them, and to help them develop strategies for solving problems themselves.
Here are some questions you could ask your child after school.
What made you smile today?
Can you tell me an example of kindness you saw/showed?
What did you do that was creative?
What is the most popular game at break time?
What was the best thing that happened today?
Did you help anyone today?
Did you tell anyone “thank you?”
Who did you sit with at lunch?
What made you laugh?
Did you learn something you didn’t understand?
Who inspired you today?
What is something you heard that surprised you?
What is something you saw that made you think?
Who did you play with today?
Tell me something you know today that you didn’t know yesterday.
What is something that challenged you?
Did you like your lunch?
Rate your day on a scale from 1-10.
How were you brave today?
What questions did you ask at school today?
Tell us your top two things from the day (before you can be excused from the dinner table!).
What are you looking forward to tomorrow?
What are you reading?
What was the hardest rule to follow today?
Teach me something I don’t know.
If you could change one thing about your day, what would it be?
What made you feel happy? 
What made you feel proud?
Did you learn any new words today?
If I called your teacher tonight, what would he/she tell me about you?
Healthy Living at BHS
We promote healthy living at BHS and therefore children should only bring water to school. Please do not send milk drinks, sugary drinks or any other kind of drink. We have water fountains and taps where students can refill their (BHS) water bottles throughout the day.


A number of Year 6 students helped the represent BHS at a Microbits event organised by Mr Lowe. Take a peek at these photographs and ask your children about Microbits and the science behind these mini computers.



Pizza Lunch

The children enjoyed an Italian lunch when the pizza turned up for them to enjoy. Check out these photos of 6H getting their munch on!





Golden Book Certificates & House Team Winners
Congratulations to the following children for winning the class golden book award
Gary Leng 6D,
Mia Lo and Stanley Keung 6H
Augusto Wong 6Y
Congratulations to the green house of Inclusivity for winning the house trophy this week!

Transdisciplinary theme: 

Central Idea

Our interests and well-being can benefit ourselves and others

 Lines of Inquiry

  1. My interests and  well being
  2. How my interests for ______ influences my well being(Connection)
  3. How my creativity/action through _______  benefits myself and others

New classes start next week – ask your child who they are working closely with for the rest of the exhibition process. Have a look at the pictures of Year 6 in the hall having just confirmed their group set up for the coming weeks. 




Central Idea


Fractions, decimal fractions and percentages are ways of representing whole-part relationships

Learning Intentions

Understand the relationship between fractions, decimal fraction and percentages.

Find percentages of number or quantities with and without a calculator.
Simplify fractions in written and mental form
Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of common fractions with same or related denominators
Convert improper fractions to mixed number and vice versa
Read, write and solve problems involving ratio


Central Idea

Conversions of units and measurements allow us to make sense of the world we live in. A range of procedures exists to measure different attributes of objects and events.


Lines of Inquiry

Estimate, compare and measure objects using standard units of measurement

Calculate and develop rules for determining the volume of cubes and cuboids.

Identify and describe the relationships between area and volume and between volume and capacity.


In Number Math we will continue to work out percentages of amounts and share different strategies we are confident with to solve different problems.


Year 6 will be carrying out plenty of research and gathering new information based on their chosen interest from a variety of sources. It is important they use their note-taking skills to identify the important and relevant information by paraphrasing as well as transferring information into their own words and language they understand. We will continue to apply our knowledge of the comprehension strategy determining importance using both fiction and nonfiction books.

Don’t forget to continue with the Reading Challenge between now and 18th June as well as completing the 50:50 Book Challenge in the library! Pupils have been highly engaged in the challenge so far so keep it up and complete the challenge!



Please get prepared for week 1 with your exhibition group. Jot down some ideas about potential action. Think about what issues there are in Hong Kong that relate to your interest. Be prepared for a busy week next week. 

Spelling : The children should be tested on their words at home 3 times per week ready for our buddy test on Friday.  Any words that the children spell incorrectly during the buddy test on Friday will get carried over to next week’s ‘Words I need to learn…’  All children need to remember to bring in their Spelling Journals each day.

Reading : Each child should be reading throughout the week. Don’t forget to think about your weekly reflection for your Reading Journals!

Number Maths 

  • Miss Younie – Mathletics
  • Mrs Fletcher – Mathletics
  • Mr Hoskins – Mathletics
  • Mr Hubbard – Mathletics


Mandarin (All children are encouraged to take a reading book home on the days when they have Mandarin lessons.)

Ms Lynn  – Please check your google classroom for details.

Ms Yu – 熟读学过的课文

Ms Xu –  完成google classroom 练习。熟读学过的课文。记得借中文书,读中文书。


Get your mindset ready for next week….