19 Feb 2016

Year 1 Update – Wk 22

Thursday 25th February – Year 1 Immunisations
Friday 26th February – 1H Assembly
Tuesday 1st March – Year 1 LEAP Trip
Friday 4th March – Student Led Conferences

This week has been a very busy and exciting week in Year 1 with some of the highlights including IG’s wonderful class assembly about history and today we have enjoyed our first BHS Sports Day. It was so lovely to see all of the children using their bodies to have fun and showing good sportsmanship throughout the morning. Well done to all of the children who participated today.

It is our Year 1 Immunisation day on Thursday. Please make sure that you have returned all relevant documentation to Ms Chen and that you have informed your child that this will be happening.

Sharing the Planet

Central Idea: Plants sustain life on Earth 

Next week the children will start their Sharing the Planet unit and will begin by exploring the role that plants play in our daily lives. They will also be involved in some art based activities linked to plants around us. This is a wonderful unit where the children can explore in depth the world around them. Please take the time to check in with them regularly to find out what they have been learning and enjoying.

If you think you have any expertise to offer during this unit and would like to come in and talk to the children about your experiences please let your class teacher know.


Central Idea: Addition and subtraction are connected to each other and used to solve problems

Last week the children revisited a Maths unit based on the relationship between addition and subtraction. Earlier in the year we started working on this concept and during the next five weeks we will continue with this focus and we will concentrate on different addition and subtraction strategies. We will also be working on the application of these strategies by carrying simple problem solving activities linked to addition and subtraction calculations.

One focus for this unit is the use of money and calculating totals of coins. Please help us at home by exposing the children to the different coins and notes and helping them to use them when paying for items when you are out and about shopping and using the bus and MTR etc.


Next week we will be finishing off our work on recount writing and the children will be writing a final piece of work either about their class assembly or Sports Day.
During the next Unit of Inquiry we will be focussing on reading and writing information texts which fits very nicely with our inquiry into plants. If you have any non-fiction books at home that are linked to plants and how they play a part in our lives please read these with your child at home and share them with us at school. We promise to look after them.
Over the next couple of weeks the children will be introduced to a new set of phonemes and Camera Words. The new bookmark will be sent home next week so please take the time to help your child learn these new phonemes and words by playing the games explained on the card. Thank you.
.                                     Our new phonemes:
ch, sh, th, wh
Camera Words :
what  going  give  like  do  says 

We would like to thank all the parents who have been into school as our Mystery Storytellers so far this year. The importance of reading and enjoying stories and books with your child cannot be underestimated. Bedtime stories are an important part of a child’s reading experience and it can be a lovely time for you and your child to relax and spend time together. Please try and take the opportunity to read a bedtime story to your child regularly. It is a special time for the both of you and the children can learn so much from hearing you read too.
