10 Feb 2017

Year 2 Update Wk 20


Tuesday 14th February – Year 2 Bake sale

The children have had a great first week back after the Chinese New Year holidays.

We started off by making some ice cream to see the changes that take place. The children have enjoyed their time in the library and have started to make a collage out of different materials.


Central idea: People use and change materials to suit their needs  

lines of inquiry: 

  1. The properties of materials and how they are used 
  2. How materials can change 
  3. The manipulation of materials for new purposes 

The children will be inquiring into the different properties of materials. Some of the inquiring into the properties will include looking at their strength, whether they float, whether they are waterproof  and whether they dissolve.


Well done to:
  2M – James Borg
2K – Ava Lin
2G – Aidan Lai
To reinforce what we have been learning in school, you and your child could take some time to look at the many different things you have around your home. What material is it made from? Why is it made from this material? What are the properties of this material? Would another material also be suitable?
Many students have ordered winter jackets and fleeces, but few of these have names written on them. Many of these items have already lost their owners and are lonely and afraid. If your child has lost something, let us know, and more importantly, put your child’s name on everything!