15 Sep 2016

Year 2 Update Wk 5

Please sign up for a parent teacher interview time on the Gateway.  These are scheduled for Tuesday 27th and Thursday 29th September.


This week we practised rounding numbers to the nearest ten. This involves closely looking at numbers to see what digit is in the ones place. If it is five or higher, you round the number to the next ten. If the number ends in a four or lower, you round to the previous ten. We practised this by rolling dice and finding the numbers on the 100 line to see what number we rounded to, looking at number lines, and playing games on Mathletics. 
We have also been ordering random three digit numbers, looking for odd and even patterns, and looking at place value to choose which number is larger. 
Next week we will begin a closer look at addition and subtraction.

Golden Book was suspended this week for Year 2 while students made their sandwiches and prepared for their trip to Penfold Park. Stay tuned for next week’s winners!



Spelling is going well! Please remember to work through the tasks a little at a time, and return the spelling journal to the teacher for review.

Unit of Inquiry
Ask your child about the good well-being activities they did in the park. Have a conversation about where they plan to make some changes in their lives. Are there any choices they will make differently at home? Remember, the areas we’ve discussed in class are healthy bodies (nutrition, exercise, hygiene), exercising your brain, being safe, spending time and caring for the environment, relaxation and sleep, celebrating, relationships, and having fun. Can they name something they do for each area? Is there something they don’t get enough of?

This week’s coming typhoons are a good reminder to stay familiar with Hong Kong’s policy on the different typhoon’s and rain signals. ESF has collected the policies here!


Thank you! Have a good Mid-Autumn Festival!