6 Nov 2015

Year 4 Update Wk 11

  • Camp Snacks at school – Monday 9th November
  • Mandarin Parent Consultations – 10th, 12th, 16th and 18th November
  • Year 4 Camp – Wednesday 11th November – Friday 13th November
  • Parenting Workshop: Marie Marchand – Tuesday 17th November, 6.30pm


  • ISA data will be released around Early December and they will be uploaded to Gateway.  Ms Susan Chung will send a note to parents when they become available.


  • We will send out new letters regarding the LEAP trip soon, which will be taking place on Monday 7th December.


  • Camp forms – Thank you for returning the camp forms so promptly.  Everything is now organised and the countdown has begun.


  • Camp Snack – Thank you for bringing in snacks for camp.  Please remember to bring in multi-packs of treats not full packets.  No snacks can be collected on the day we leave for camp, Wednesday, as everything will be packed up.


  • PE uniform days for each class – Tuesdays and Wednesdays for 4M, Wednesdays and Thursday for 4W and Mondays and Wednesday for 4J.



We have been busy, busy, busy this week.  In maths we have begun the addition and subtraction unit with fun regrouping and trading games, as well as finding out the students knowledge in the pre-assessment.

Writing skills continued to focus on the narrative form.  Looking at verbs, adjectives and character descriptions.  We are using graphic organisers to help plan our personal narratives.

Yippee…it’s pitch time.  Our first trip to the pitch gave the kids the opportunity to experiment the bounce, drop and kick of rugby balls on the pitch surface.  We also played games to develop our skills to get us ready to be part of the Hong Kong National team in future years.


Sharing the Planet

Central Idea: People’s behaviour impact on the habitats of other living things

Lines of Inquiry

  1. Different habitats/ biomes and the living things found there
  2. Impact of behaviour on habitats/ biomes
  3. Human responsibility to habitats/ biomes

Concepts: Form, causation and responsibility

Learner Profile: Caring, principled

Attitudes: Appreciation


Next week, students will be inquiring into the positive and negative impacts of human behaviour on our environment.

A Maths unit on Data Handling is connected to this UOI.

Addition and Subtraction

Central Idea (Number)- The operations of addition and  subtraction are related to each other and used to process information to solve problems

Lines of Inquiry

  • Mental and written methods that can be applied for exact and approximate calculations
  • How we use addition and subtraction to solve problems
  • The different mental strategies used to solve problems


Mental strategies for this unit:

  • Jump Strategy
  • Split Strategy
  • Compensation Strategy
  • Doubles and Near Doubles
  • Working Backwards

Some websites to use at home


Data Handling

Central Idea (Strand)- Different graph forms highlight different aspects of data more efficiently

Lines of Inquiry

How people collect and display data

How data is interpreted

The children will be:

  • Collecting, organizing and representing data (including bar and line graphs, 3-ring Venn diagrams and Carroll diagrams) where one object or symbol can represent many data values
  • Interpreting data, drawing conclusions using a variety of  scales and describing the advantages and disadvantages of data representation forms
  • Reading climate graphs of rainfall and temperature.



To entertain, create, stimulate emotions, motivate, guide and teach.

Elements of narrative include:

          Opening/orientation that usually includes a setting and introduces characters

          A series of events that build up


          Resulting events

Resolution and ending



Nouns, verbs and adjectives

Verb tenses



Home Reading
Continue with Reading Eggspress and school texts when possible.  Children are to complete the quizzes at the end of the text.
20 mins per night
Week 12 – Suffixes

Music – Mr Gibson

Mr Gibson has shared a link to help the kids practice their ukulele at home.  Just remember, recorders sound much worse!!


Parent Evening With Marie Marchand on Tuesday 17th November at 6.30-8.00pm in the school hall. The theme is ‘Bringing a family routine that works to your home.’ Please register your attendance via this link: http://goo.gl/forms/2VqT4UB1jb

Children are encouraged to bring in fruit and vegetable sticks on Fridays to support BHS’s Fruit Fridays.

Remember to give your child a healthy start to the day with breakfast and a nutritious snack to ensure sustained energy levels.

Please remember to sign your child’s home reading journal so that they are able to borrow a new book. A kind reminder that students are expected to read Reading Eggspress twice a week.