25 Nov 2016

Year 4 Update – Wk 14

Wed 30th November – Mandarin Consultations – after school

Fri 2nd December – PTA Disco


Thur 8th December – Christmas Concert

Tue 13th December, noon – School’s out for Christmas Holiday


3rd January – First Day Back



We were so overwhelmed with your generosity with snacks for camp that we have a huge surplus!

Therefore, for the next 2 Fridays (2nd and 9th Dec) and Tuesday the 13th, we will be inviting Y4 students to take a snack from the Y4 Camp snack bags. Your child DOES NOT need to bring a snack on those days. Of course, if you would like your child to still bring snacks from home, they are most welcome!


4L will be missing their PE lesson on Monday due to LEAP so please come to school in regular school uniform. Many thanks!


Please make sure your child comes to school with a school hat EVERY DAY.

Please support us and your child by helping them create a positive impact on the habitat around them by bringing their snacks, lunches and drinks in reusable containers.


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Where We Are in Place and Time

Central Idea:  Change in our world can happen through exploration and discovery.

Lines of Inquiry 

An inquiry into:

  • explorations and discoveries that have changed our world (CHANGE)
  • why people choose to explore and discover (CAUSATION)


As mentioned, the students began this inquiry by exploring their own interests. We did this by sharing with them the following blog, http://interestorium.blogspot.hk/ and inviting them to spend their time discovering new things. They then shared their discoveries with the classmates.


We also looked at different images of explorers, inventions, scientists and discoveries and tried putting these into different groups. The children shared their background knowledge of these areas in our unit’s pre-assessment.


Next week we will be finding out about a world famous explorer as well as having some more hand-on experience when making our own discoveries. Here’s a little hint!airplane


 Strand Maths: Measurement – TIME

Central Idea – Objects and events have attributes that can be measured using appropriate tools.

Lines of Inquiry:

  • The selection and correct use of standard units
  • Solving real life situations using time, temperature, mass and capacity

By the end of next week the students will have completed a pre-assessment and will be beginning to read and write the time to the minute and investigate the relationship between units of time.


Number Maths: Operations – Addition and Subtraction

Central Idea – The operations of addition and  subtraction are related to each other and used to process information to solve problems

addition subtract

Lines of Inquiry:

  • The different ways to model/show addition and subtraction
  • Mental strategies that can be used to solve addition and subtraction
  • Written strategies that can be used to solve addition and subtraction
  • Equivalent number sentences using addition and subtraction

The children have completed their pre-assessment for this unit.

Next week they will be exploring the Toys R Us website and planning how to spend their imaginary money whilst making use of addition and subtraction strategies.

 Congratulations to this week’s winners!
4F – Zoie Chan
4L – Lianna Wong
4W – Shafay Khan
ICT – Sofie Yeung 4F




Daily home reading

A reminder that the colour of the home reading book your child brings home will reflect their reading ability at the end of Year 3. However, as reading assessments continue over the course of the coming few weeks, this may or may not change. PLEASE be reminded that the colour sticker on the reading book your child brings home is far less significant than the development of fluency AND comprehension. There is also an expectation that your child will read a book and complete any quizzes on Reading Eggspress twice a week.


The children will have 10 new words to learn each week (Friday) and will be tested on them by a classmate three times per week. The words they have consist of some vocabulary relevant to our current U.O.I., some words relating to the spelling rule that we are currently learning about and some words of their choice.

Year 4 Home Learning – UOI – 25.11.16

Continue exploring interestorium and making your own discoveries! http://interestorium.blogspot.hk/

All good explorers report back and share their discoveries and you will need to too!

  • Use the accompanying recording document to record and share what you find out. 

Optional : Begin or complete typing your fable up into a google doc with illustrations!