2 Dec 2016

Year 5 Update Wk 15


Wednesday 7th December – Class party day / non uniform day

Thursday 8th December – BHS Christmas Concert 7pm / Deadline for Secret Santa presents

imgresFriday 9th December – Dress in house team colours

Tuesday 13th December – last day of term, 12pm finish


Normal service has resumed this week, with the children back into school routines after their adventures on camp.
We have been working through the initial areas of UOI 2 looking carefully at the water cycle and finding out just how much water is available on Earth. Some classes have had their first lessons with Ms Jeeves working on Informational Literacy skills and also started a new ICT focus connected to presenting key data.  The children have also taken full advantage of the good weather and enjoyed building rugby skills and playing rounders.

Central Idea:

People’s actions can impact our water resources

Lines of Inquiry:

How water changes (change)

Responsibilities regarding water (responsibility)

Distribution, availability of, and access to, usable water (connection)

We will continue to examine the different parts of the water cycle and begin to look at how water can be filtered using both natural and man made methods. We will also be consolidating our understanding of how water changes between the different states of matter.


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Our reading focus will be on synthesising information from different texts and also how to successfully combine new and existing knowledge in an effective way. Children will be building knowledge of the purpose and function of non chronological reports and all the different forms they can come in.



Well done to our Golden book winners this week





Home reading should continue as normal.

Children can also access Mathletics and Reading Eggpress.

Children can begin to look at their own water use and begin to estimate the amounts of water they use on an average day.


Important Reminder – School Snacks and Lunches

At Beacon Hill School have a number of children who are allergic to nuts.  When preparing snacks and lunches for your children please avoid using nut products like Nutella and peanut butter.  We thank you for your cooperation.

Please keep this in mind when sending in food for shared party lunch.