18 Nov 2016

Year 5 Update Wk 13




Tuesday 22nd November – Mandarin Parent Consultations

Tuesday 22nd-25th November – Yr 5 Camp

Thursday 24th November – Mandarin Parent Consultations

Wednesday 30th November – Mandarin Parent Consultations

Friday 2nd December – PTA Disco

Thursday 8th December – BHS Christmas Concert 7pm

Tuesday 13th December – last day of term, 12pm finish


Year 5 have spent the majority of this week preparing for sharing day and thoroughly enjoyed sharing their learning through the arts with you. A big well done to everyone involved in the lead up to sharing day and thank you so much to everyone who supported and attended today! The children worked incredibly hard to perfect their drama frames, reflect on their artwork and ensure that their case study research was up to date and complete to their fullest potential. Enjoy a well deserved weekend and rest up in preparation for camp week.
Here is the link so that you can access the photos and videos from sharing day:


When we return from camp we will get straight into our third unit.

We look forward to exploring the water cycle, looking at how access to water differs around the world, understanding water distribution as well as highlighting the importance of saving water.

Central Idea:

People’s actions can impact our water resources

Lines of Inquiry:

How water changes (change)

Responsibilities regarding water (responsibility)

Distribution, availability of, and access to, usable water (connection)





Each evening, the children will have the chance to reflect on their day at camp. Here they can think about new experiences, talk about new friendships and even perhaps try new food!

Well done to our Golden book winners this week

5Y- Evan Zhang: For writing a beautiful poem using emotive language about the five stages of migration.


5P- Alexandra Lai


5M- Amanda Hokerberg





Home reading should continue as normal.

Children can also access Mathletics and Reading Eggpress.

Camp prep


Important Reminder – School Snacks and Lunches

At Beacon Hill School have a number of children who are allergic to nuts.  When preparing snacks and lunches for your children please avoid using nut products like Nutella and peanut butter.  We thank you for your cooperation.

Camp Snacks

Today your child will bring home the snack suggestion to bring along to camp.  This year we are trying to keep waste down so please only send in what you have been asked to bring in.  In previous years we have had so much left over that it rotted.  We appreciate that you may want to send in more but please don’t.

If you haven’t managed to get your camp snack into school by Friday, please ensure your child brings it in on Monday!