25 Aug 2017

Year 1 Update – Wk 2

Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th – All Year 1 until 1.00pm. Children must bring their lunch.
Wednesday 30th onwards – All Year 1 – All day
Tuesday 29th August – Wine and Cheese – 5.00pm
Tuesday 29th August – Meet the Teacher – 6.00pm in the school hal
Friday 8th September – No school – BHS CPD Day

The children have been busy this week meeting all their new classmates and different teachers. They have been trying to learn and write each others names whilst thinking about who they like to play with. We have been encouraging the children to engage in different types of play and talk about their preferences.

We have begun to explore our first Unit Of Inquiry

The Central Idea is:

Relationships develop through play and connecting with others.

All classes have been enjoying playtimes and  independently eating their snacks quickly and carefully. They really have impressed us and it is lovely to see so many eager to go off and explore the things to do in the playground.






We have noticed some children are still not bringing hats. All children at BHS are required to wear a Beacon Hill School hat for their health and safety during outdoor play and PE times.


There are important messages and letters being put into diaries which some of you are missing. Please arrange a system for someone in your home to check through each child’s bag daily.
If you have not yet returned your child’s Home School Profile please make sure that this is given to your class teacher next week. Thank you.
Meet the teacher
We are looking forward to meeting you all at the meet the teacher evening. We have lots of information to share with you all about the systems and routines we have in Year 1. Please note that this is not the time to discuss individual children or report on their progress. We will be having a parent teacher meeting later in September, details will follow.

House Colours Assembly – Friday 1st September

As I mentioned in last week’s Newsletter, we are aiming to develop the BHS House system this year. The first part of this involves Year 6 students who have a desire to be their House Team Captains presenting to the school in next Friday’s assembly. To make this a special event and to begin to develop a sense of belonging to the four houses, we would like all students to come dressed in their house colour next Friday 1st September. Any T-shirt, shirt etc of their house colour will be suitable – plain coloured shirts preferable, and not football shirts or similar.


Next week the children are continuing to explore numbers around us. We will be playing games and completing tasks linked to recognising, ordering and counting objects.

The children will be continuing to talk about and record the experiences they have enjoyed at school so far.

In Year 1 we spend a lot of time building the children’s confidence and awareness that they are writers even when they are still learning their letters and words. To help with this, there will be a range of writing and mark making experiences for children to enjoy.

When reading as a class, we are helping the children to engage with and think about the stories they are reading and listening to. We are encouraging the children to share their thoughts and feelings verbally with others.


On Monday mornings we have a whole school Golden Book assembly. During this time one child from each class receives a Golden Book certificate in recognition of their achievement and effort from the previous week. Year 1 will be going to their first assembly on Monday 28th August.


Other information


PE uniform needs to be worn on these days:

All Year 1 classes: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

On some of these days the children will be attending PMP and will need to remove their shoes and socks. Please help your child at to practise doing this at home independently.

Parent Helpers

We are still looking for some more parents to come in during the school day. If you are interested in becoming a parent helper please look out for the letter in the Home School Diary and return to school as soon as possible.

Over the weekend please take some time to sit and talk with your children about their experiences of school so far.

Ask them:

Who they have been playing with?

What they have been playing?

What they have enjoyed doing?